Hold Me

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I watched as Yashiro took the key from his pocket, unlocking the door to the staff passage. We had left the dog suit just inside the passage door once we stepped through. Neko meowed as we walked, crossing the campus to the dorms, climbing the stairs and walking up to Yashiro's door. He opened it and Neko jumped off his shoulder, prancing through the kitchen and into the lounge room. I watched Shiro lock the door and sigh, completely exhausted. Opening one eye, he looked at me with amber eyes, lips curling in a smile.
"How are you doing, Yoru...?" He took a deep breath. "That was... unexpected, huh?"
I nodded. "Yeah... it was. But, I'm fine." I stepped towards him, leaning close to his face. "What about you?" I moved his white bangs gently. "You fell from high up, and you had me to add the weight."
I cast my eyes away from him, looking around the small kitchen. When I spoke again, worry hung deep in my voice.
"Shiro, I'm... I'm scared. I can't see you get hurt - I won't let you get hurt." I nodded, breath catching.
I soon felt warmth envelope my right hand, no longer moving his bangs. Turning back towards him, I found Yashiro holding my small hand with his own, smiling at me. "It will be okay, Yoru. I promise." I stared at him. "Okay? Yoru, watch my lips." I nodded, looking down slightly to his mouth. "I... promise."
I watched his mouth move, speaking the words. I finally smiled again. "Okay," I leaned away and he stood up straight. "Sorry I said all that."
"It's fine," he gave my head a pat, like he did with Neko to calm her down. He took his hand away as quickly as it had got there. "Everything will turn out alright."
I looked at his back as he walked past me, pausing on the end of the kitchen tile. Once more, he turned so his amber eyes looked at me. "Yoru?" He asked me with a worried look. "Is there... something you're needing to do? Something you want to do...?"
I tightened my fists at my sides, slowly nodding.
He smiled. "Alright..." he held his arms out to me.
With one quick movement, I pushed myself into his warm arms, holding him tight in my own embrace. Shiro returned the hug, and I listened to his beating heart, keeping a steady rhythm. I closed my eyes and didn't let go as he stroked my hair.
"Okay?" He finally asked. I nodded, and he pulled away. "That's good. Now... I'm just exhausted. I vote for a nap..."
I followed him into the lounge room, bed on the other side of the small area. He took off his school blazer, hanging it over a chair, and I did the same. He glanced at me with yet another smile.
Thoughts entered my mind, and I pushed them away. Shiro was my best friend, and that was the best thing to have. I never left his side, and he never left mine.
Flopping down on the bed, Neko jumped up after him. I lay down next to Shiro, climing over him so I was next to the wall.
"That was so crazy... we could really nap, huh...?" Shiro mumbled.
"Yeah," I said back.
"Mmm, perfect idea..."
Shiro and I looked at each other. "Wha... was that... you?"
Slowly, our eyes looked to where Neko was. Where the small cat should have been there was now a girl with long pink hair.
And she was naked.
We both yelped. Why was a naked girl in here? Where did Neko go? "Hold on..." I leaned forward.
The girl sat up and looked at us both. Her blue eye and green eye shone together, despite not being the same color in the slightest.
Shiro jumped off his bed, grabbing his blazer. "W-who are you?"
"Silly!" She laughed at us, standing up. "I'm a cat - I'm Neko!"
We just blinked at her. "P-put on some clothes!" I cried.
Shiro said the same thing, trying to get his blazer on the naked girl. She jumped around the room, avoiding him.
"Cripes," I mumbled, trying to catch her as well. I had no idea what was going on, but one thing was for absolutely sure; this day kept getting crazier. I just hoped this was the end of it.

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