Yoru's Diary #4

340 13 0

November 24 2016

Oh boy, It's been forever. I'm getting worried, my friend hasn't got back to me yet. The one that moved. She lives in a place called Ikebukuro now...
I have been working my butt off! We all have! Even Kukuri...! It's a bit hard, trying to get everything ready for the festival in time, but it's worth it, and everything looks great! I... I feel so alone. Not all the time, of course! But... after school, when I go home... to my dorm..... I feel...
... empty. I feel hollow. Like a piece of me is missing. I'm not as happy as I used to be. I think I'm a little more reserved. I don't think I should feel like this, not someone like me, anyway. I... I don't understand. This shouldn't be happening to me! So why is it??!!
... I shouldn't be yelling in my diary, but... I just can't HELP it.
... I've started eating alone more often, I talk less in class, and now... I don't hang out with everyone as often. I don't know what's wrong. I wish I could do something. Or... I wish something would happen.
I still get that feeling once in a while, that odd feeling of something happening. But... where is it? What's going to happen? But... when I get that feeling...
... I don't feel so bad anymore. For a little while, at least.

      -Yoru Burakku

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