Yoru's Diary #2

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(These will also be like fillers for when I can't write the actual story. No matter how much I regret it. I'm not going to call these "fillers" exactly, since they are still a fair sized part of the story or Yoru's back story.... sort of....)

September 30th 2016

Kukuri worked us so hard today trying to get ready for the festival. Even though we have a month and a half left to get ready! Almost. Actually.... probably a longer amount of time than that. Definitely. Oh boy, oh my.
High school isn't easy. It's strange here, at Ashinaka. I can't get over that fact that.... that it feels odd. Something feels off, as if something is about to happen or that is currently happening someplace else. But, I guess it's probably just what Ayaka's going through, haha! She recently moved to... not to Shizume, but somewhere else in Tokyo. I have to talk to her still, to see if she's alright. I hear some crazy stuff happens in that neighborhood.... I hope she's okay. We've been friends for so long, I don't know what would happen if I lost her. Heck, I don't know what I would do if I lost ANYONE! Well.... what can you do? Life sometimes gets the best of you, you know? Heh.... of course you wouldn't. After all....
.... your only paper. And who else is gunna read you but me?

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