Running For Our Lives (Part 4)

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The next thing I knew, there was an explosion, and I gripped the dog mascot costume behind me. It was so soft...
Admist the smoke from the small firecrackers, the costume shifted. Nothing was seeable, and I only heard the sound of Kuroh yatogami's yelling throughout the confusion. The smoke cleared, and Kuroh Yatogami stormed through the roof's door, breaking it immediately. The costume behind me sat up, and I nearly screamed. As the dog head was pulled off, I was greeted with a familiar face.
"Shiro!" I threw my arms around his neck, hugging him. "I thought you'd left me!"
He laughed awkwardly. "How could I leave my best friend...?" Neko meowed from his shoulder.
I smiled at his caring action. "Thanks..." I squeezed him. "Hey, let's go," I pulled him up. I thought for a minute. "Bring the dog head."
Slowly and carefully, we made our way down to the busy streets, blending in. I walked next to Shiro as he - while trying to be casual - walked beside me in the dog suit. I kept my right arm locked in his left, walking close by him. I started to feel my chest tighten as I thought about how we might get caught, and the thought of what would happen to Yashiro. I felt my anxiety slowly begin to grow deep in my chest. Shiro squeezed my hand. "Breathe, Yoru..." he whispered.
This actually made me realize I wasn't breathing, and how much I really needed air. I opened my mouth and let out my breath, inhaling quickly. "Thank you..." I sighed.
"It'll be okay," he said quietly, looking at me through the mask. I nodded. "Don't be worried. Everything will work out fine." I nodded again. "You've just gotta be... calmer," I heard him give a happy chuckle, meaning he was also smiling.
I smiled back. "Okay, Shiro... thank you," I hugged his arm as we ducked into an alley.
"We'll be home soon," he said.
"The dorms?"
"Yeah. It'll be strange in a dog suit, but..."
"It'll be fine. You just gotta be... calmer," I smiled happily. "Right?"
He nodded his currently big head. "Right," his ears flopped.
I held on tightly as we exited the alley, and into the brighter light of the city.

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