11 | Keid

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Dear heavingly and merciful father, I know I don't take time to give you the glory that you deserve and I know that I haven't taken it upon myself to really sit down and pray to you, but just this once I am asking you to save me. . .just this once, lord and I promise when I die you'll clap your hands and say she lived a righteous life.

Just this once. "Oh my god, Ellie!" If only I were a turtle who possessed the ability to recoil into its shell to avoid confrontations with the human species. Especially these not so rare breeds of humans- unfortunately. I call them Lizzie's Omg squad. O for Oh my god please kill me, m for make it quick and painless and finally g for good, I'd much rather be dead.

"Hey guys," I waved curtly, feigning a smile as I tossed my bag onto the floor. There were eight girls, excluding Lizzie, Taylor and I. Emma, Shannon, Heather, Taylor and Lizzie were part of what I refer to as the 'inner squad' Though Lizzie spends more time by my side than any of them, they've still been her friends the same period of time as I have.

Then there was the 'outer squad' they were usually kept out of the loop about the latest gossip, are rarely invited to girls outing and weren't a member of the school's cheer squad. No, they aren't any less important but they do not fall into the highest hierarchy which rules the hallways of Bellview High.

Then there was me. I was neither part of the inner squad nor the outer squad because I didn't give a hoot for this friend group. According to Lizzie, they might as well be called the Toxic barbies because they're built upon a crumbling foundation of gossip, boys, lip fillers (not that there's any problem with it, I can sure benefit from it) backstabbing and fake tans.

They are the typical popular high school cliques you normally see in YA movies. How may I put this? Oh yeah, they're the knock-off Plastics from Mean Girls, except they're not blatantly mean to everyone and haven't scraped the spectrum of iconic.

Do I want to associate myself with such a thing? Shove me in front of a speeding train first and I'll consider it. "Now that everyone's here we can get started!" Taylor's hands clapped together rapidly and if it weren't for her very human face I'd mistake her for a walrus.

She beckoned everyone to the middle of her large room and everyone shuffled against the bright pink carpets, smiles etched on all their faces. They all resembled the possessed actors from Truth Or Dare but I refrained from making the reference in fear of further insulting Taylor's kindness.

I need to hold back on the insults if I want to make it through the night alive.

SIKE, again I'd rather be dead.

"So as you all know, every sleepover we follow a schedule. Two movies first, one romance and the other horror. We then play some music and dance, comb each other's hair, paint nails, I don't know after the movie you can practically do what you want! When we're done with that we'll sit in a circle like this and talk about the latest news! I have so much to tell you guys."

Is this a cult? Is this the Hunger Games? Because I'd much rather be thrown into an arena of murderous people fighting to their deaths to stay alive than sit here and paint each other's nails whilst we gossip about who's the hottest celebrity.

Please Katniss Everdeen, shoot me in the heart with that beautiful arrow and end my MISERY!

Maybe I'm uptight, maybe I'm just not fun. But I sure as hell know I'm not 12.

I glared at Lizzie from across the room who fought to refrain from looking into my now possessed eyes. When she finally cracked under pressure and I held her gaze, I slid my thumb across my neck, mouthing that I'll kill her.

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