She laughed, a fake, harsh one. 'You make me laugh.'

'Trust me,' I said angrily, struggling against the ropes that bound me to the chair. 'If laughter was the best medicine, your face must be curing the world.'

'That's enough.'

The laughter had gone, only hatred and anger burning in her eyes. 

'Oh really?' I smirked, stopping the struggling. 'Shock me, say something intelligent.'

'I believe you just insulted the person who is capable of many things....including kidnapping,' said Mei, coldly and fiercely. 

'Well, I'm kidnapped,' I said in an amused voice. 'Tick that box.'

'What makes you think I want to kidnap only you?' grinned Mei wickedly, walking around the chair. 'I might take Xander....or little innocent clueless Valt..after all, they're close to Shu, aren't they?'

'Why do you want Shu so much?' I said, trailing my eyes on her. 'Why do you want my life so much?'

I was suddenly leaning backwards, a cold, icy firm grip on my shoulder. I winced in pain as the devilish eyes came closer.

'Don't play dumb,' she gritted her teeth. 'I know you know what happened in 2006....'

'Mei!' I shouted angrily. 'I was fucking two years old!'

She blinked, then recomposed her posture. 'Oh. Yeah. Right.'

'If I was two, you were two as well,' I remembered. 'So how come you remembered.'

'Because what he said struck my heart,' Mei said sadly, only a hint of fierceness in her voice. She took some steps back, and sat on a cardboard box. 


'Shu?' Mei said in confusion. Then she laughed. 'No, not Shu! Remember, when we were young, the (l/n)s and the Haganes were close, so we had a little joined birthday party for you. Then you found it.'

'Found what?' I asked. I couldn't remember any of these things happening.

'The sword, idiot! Xcalius's sword! You found the little sword by itself in the river, shining amon the dull rocks. Then my grandfather, Gingka, saw you tracing and admiring the sword. He knelt down and said what he saw in you. He said you would be a blader. He said that one day you would be the best blader. That one day you would beat all of the tough bladers and accomplish your goal of being the best blader. At that time you didn't even know what a beyblade was, so you ran back to your parents, thinking Grandfather was a raving lunatic. But I knew. I wanted to become a blader. I wanted to be the best of the best. But Grandfather didn't say anything to me. Even when I told him my dreams and that I wanted a bey, he still didn't say anything like what he said to you. You didn't even know what beyblade was, yet you were going to be the best of the best....'


I looked down onto the ground and realized Mei was crying.


'No!' she stood up, her fierceness and coldness returning. Her eyes glinted with hatred and betrayal. I suddenly felt scared. I was alone with a maniac in a dark room. 'I want a bey! I want to be the best blader! So why don't I just take yours then, hmm?'

She lunged forward, finding my pouch.

'No! Stop! STOP!' I shrieked as she fumbled, trying to pry open the pocket. 'STOP!!'


I glanced up and Momoko was there, standing at the door. She immediately registered was going on and rushed to my side.

'(y/n), let's get outta here!' she exclaimed. She kicked Mei square in the chest, knocking her into the wall and lying down, unconscious. Momoko undid the ropes. For a second I was confused. I thought Momoko and I hated each other? But I pushed that thought out my head. I had more important things to focus on. I stood up quickly, glad that I was free. 'Quick, let's go back to the waiting room! Your battle is in two minutes!'

My battle. My battle with Ken had slipped out of my mind in the confusion with Mei. I nodded and we both dashed towards the waiting room. Florence was waiting outside, nervously tapping her pen on a clipboard.

'(y/n)? (y/n)!' Florence sighed, in relief. 'You're up in one!'

I nodded. 'I know.'

'(y/n)?' Shu appeared next to Florence. 'Are you ok?'

'I'm fine,' I smiled. 'Just had a little interruption. But I'm ok now!'

'Can I escort (y/n) to the door?' Momoko asked Florence. 'Just to make sure no more crazies get to her.'

Florence nodded. 'Be quick.'

Momoko grabbed my arm, and leaded me quickly into the dark hallway. She smiled. 'Good luck on your battle, (y/n)!'

'Thanks a lot, Momoko,' I smiled back. 'But, why did you save me?'

'I know I was a fangirl,' Momoko admitted. 'And then I saw you and Shu two were just so happy. It made my heart ache, I wanted to be part of something special like that. I just wanted to be happy. I thought maybe if Shu or Zac noticed me...I would become happy. I guess that's how all fangirls think. I'm sorry.'

'Wow Momoko....I didn't know....'I trailed off, shocked at this confession. 'Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?'

Her face lit up, full of joy and happiness. 'No need. Valt and I....we're dating! Well, we're taking it slow for a bit, but I'm happy all the same!'

'I'm glad,' I smiled. 'Now I'm going to win this battle.'

I turned and stepped into the light, preparing myself for battle.



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