Sweet Dreams [Rantaro Amami] (AU)

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A/N: Ahah I bet most of you guys thought I was gone for good (considering my extended death on Wattpad), but I've been having a rush of inspiration to write lately! I hope you guys enjoy!

Word Count: 7256 (AKA a short novel--)



"Let's make a pinky-promise."


Hands. The reached at me, grabbed at me, clawed at me. In the corner of my eyes, I saw the face of the monster--the same monster that had been tormenting my dreams for years. Staring back at me were the devilish eyes of my now-deceased father.

Despite death coming to reap him, his memory always remained, so could he truly be considered dead? 

Throughout the night, I tossed and turned. The whirring of the fan that had once lulled me to sleep no longer had an effect but only reminded me of the utter silence that would settle in the room had it turned off.

I laid awake in bed for the rest of the night, staring at the ceiling with my tear-filled eyes. The only thing I could cling onto at this moment was my hope--the hope that I held for years. The hope that I had to believe that I will soon be at peace.


The rings around my eyes in the morning showed my lack of sleep, but this was nothing new. I had gotten used to lying awake to avoid the nightmares. Losing a few hours, in my opinion, was much better than having to see my father's face in my dreams.

Today was another bland school day with the same bland people. Well, all except for a few.

"Ay yo shawty; lemme get that numba!"


I glared in the direction of the voice and saw a short boy with purple hair laughing his butt off.  Rolling my eyes, I trudged forward into the school building before being stopped by my one friend.

"Good morning, Y/N!" 

I mustered a small smile back in return, not in the mood to give it my absolute 100%. "Morning, Kaede."

She let out a happy sigh before linking arms with my own (much to my dismay). 

"Let's make it a great day!"

'She was definitely way too optimistic for me.'

I gave her a somewhat sarcastic thumbs up to which she frowned. Her eyes shifted to look at me, and as soon as they rest on my face, her face scrunched up in surprise.

"Y/N! Did you not sleep last night?"

I adverted my gaze, trying to look anywhere I could besides her eyes.

"Did you dream about your dad again?" She said at last, her face now changing to show concern.

I let out a sigh, fiddling with the straps of my backpack nervously. "Well, you can't dream if you don't sleep, right?"

I saw Akamatsu bite her lip in thought. It was as if she was debating to tell me something or not. Finally, after seemingly making up her mind, she gently grabbed my arm and pulled me aside. 

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