Bittersweet Parting Regrets [Kiibo] (AU)

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Kiibo X [Hurt] Reader

Kiibo will be human in this--

Please read the [A/N] at the end of this chapter; I have an important announcement and am asking for you, the readers', help. Thanks!

Requested by: panta-palaboi

3rd POV

She kissed him passionately, the two of them exchanging their lust for each other. His arm was wrapped around her thin waist, and her hands wandered through his white tufts. It was their second anniversary, and Kiibo decided that this was the best way to surprise her.

He gave her a charm bracelet, each one symbolizing a point in their relationship. It was simple yet sweet, and the girl couldn't be happier. In fact, she hoped that she could please the boy in return for the gift.

Just as things were getting steamy between the couple, Kiibo's phone rang, interrupting the moment.

A groan escaped his mouth, one of pure annoyance. The girl let out the same sound, running her fingers through her long hair.

Kiibo looked over at the caller ID, his annoyance now disappeared. He picked up the phone and held it to his ear.

"Hey, Y/N! What's up?"


Hearing his voice hurt me. It felt as if I would crumble under the pressure of just hearing it. 

"H-Hey, Kiibo..." I muttered quietly into the phone, staring out of the window as the rain continued to pour heavily. "I was wondering what you were doing with Miu for your anniversary."

He paused a bit, and I heard the sound of sheets shuffling in the back. 

"A-Ah... I'm sorry if I'm interrupting anything." I apologized, my cheeks starting to grow warmer.

"No, Y/N, it's fine, really. Is something wrong?"

Even from this side of the line, I could hear his concern for me. I exhaled deeply, wiping the stray tears from my eyes. 

"Nothing... Nothing's wrong." I repeated. "I'm fine... Don't worry about me."

"Y/N." He said a bit more sternly this time. "I know what your voice sounds like when you're crying."

Silence. That's all that was heard between us.

Very faintly, I heard him speak on the other end. 

"Miu, can you go for a bit?"

"Eh? Why? It's our anniversary! I wanna get horny with you!"

"I'm... just suddenly not in the mood... Maybe later?"

A brief moment of hesitation went by. 

"Fine. You owe me."

Once again, silence filled both ends. Kiibo sighed before speaking again.

"You called me for a reason, Y/N. If you don't tell me what's wrong, I'm going to walk over to your house and make you!" He teased, a little chuckle slipping out at the end.

"N-No!" I practically yelled. "Please... I'll tell you..."

My eyes glanced over my house. Everything was empty. Boxes containing my things were piled high, and most of them were being loaded into a truck. I didn't want him to come... not now.

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