Photo of a Player [Rantaro Amami] (AU)

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[***] = A little skip in time

(It's just like a couple of minutes)

Do you guys like the new cover? I like the galaxy theme :)


My chapters are getting significantly longer the more I produce. The plots in my mind just keep on getting thicker.

[Little Thicc Tator]

Word Count:


3rd POV

Y/N scuttled into the work center, her clothes wrinkly and her hair wild from the cruelty of the wind. Time had seemed to fly quickly this morning as she disregarded the screaming of her alarm clock.

Right when she walked through the doors, her body made impact with another object.

"Watch where you're going, kid."

Angered, the female glared upwards to see a man roughly around her age. He wore a bored expression, yet she was slightly amazed at the length of his long eyelashes, not that she would admit, of course.

Mumbling a simple apology, she continued her way into the building. The man rolled his eyes once she was gone and quickly hooked his arm around a woman's waist.

The woman giggled like a hyena, a charm that she thought worked on all of the male population. "Hello, Taro!~" She smiled, her voice sickeningly sweet. "What brings you down to the lobby? Shouldn't you be on the third floor?"

Being the sly fox he was, Rantaro simply gave her a wicked smirk and replied back with an overly used cliché. "But I came down to see you, babe."

Once again, her annoyingly high voice laughed as her wandering hand traveled down Amami's body. "Really? Then prove it to me tonight that it was only me."

The man could only tuck a strand of hair behind her ear before whispering. "Meet me at the hotel on Broadway Street at ten o'clock. I'll show you a good time."

She simply nodded, for her intake of oxygen had seemed to be cut short. Her mind practically bursted with joy once she realized she might lose her virginity that night to a man she had just met a few hours prior.

What a silly little girl...


"I'm so sorry I'm late!" I bowed deeply. "It won't happen again!"

Mr. Kokichi sat in his chair, pinching the bridge of his nose in deep thought. "Hmm... You have only one more chance. Remember your position, L/N. You're just an assistant, and I could fire you at any given moment. Do you understand?"

Another rush of anger bubbled within me. "Y-Yes, sir..."

"Good. Go and get some beverages for the photographers. The next photoshoot is in an hour."

I nodded, leaving the office and to the break room where the water dispenser and coffee machine was.

Quickly, I grabbed five bottles of water and made two cups of coffee and placed them on a tray. Then, I headed to the third level where everyone was getting ready. People were setting up lights and the background, and my eyes glanced over the male and female models getting their makeup done.

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