Few of my tears escaped my eyes already when she was talking with me. I sat on the bench in the bus stand and cried silently. After all she was right, I deserved it.

Wiping my tears I went home and sat on my couch. Someone rung the calling bell, I went out to see my house owner. "Hello Krisha, you told me you'll give rent today. I desperately wanted money my sister was in her labor so please give it fast. I have to rich to the hospital."

God, what would I do? My rent was fifteen thousand and I had only eleven thousand in my hand. "Please come Seetha madem. The rent is ready." Told mom and I looked at her confused.

"Maa...?" I asked her confused. "Krisha one second come inside." She called me and I went inside our room. "Do you have five thousand with you." I gave her the money she asked. She went out and gave the rent to our house owner making her leave after thanking us.

"You are going to ask me about the money I gave her. Am I right? " asked mom and I nodded my head in positive.

"Switch on the television and see." She told me, I gave her the remote while she changed the channel.

There she was cooking on the television, her trademark dish. I gave her an unbelievable look "You know my friend Savitha right, she recommended me to that channel. I wanted it to be a surprise so I didn't tell you. I paid the electricity bill and now with the leftover money and the money you gave we paid the house rent stop worrying now. " she told me wiping my tears.

"Thanks Ma. " I hugged her tight.

"A mother will never leave her child worrying dear. She will do everything from her side to support her daughter and I played my part well I guess. Hey, it's getting late... You have a meeting right. Go meet your daddy, he was annoyed with you and then go for the meeting. All the best." She told and pinched my cheek.

"I love you Maa. You are the best. " with that I climbed up. After meeting my daddy I went to the research center to meet my professor.

I went to the restroom before before the meeting to refresh myself. There I heard one of my superior speaking on the phone. "Try and get the core details from her Rangarajan sir. Then we can produce that in our name and ment money. Trust me Krisha's theses were perfect.

Another betrayal, whom should we trust in this hypocrite world. Before she could see me I went out of the restroom and met Rangarajan Sir.

"Your project is perfect Krisha but they are not ready to approve it before running a test. Give me your project's core details and procedures. I will take care." My professor Rangarajan told me boosting my temper.

"Yes sir, you will take care of my project. You will take not only my project but also the fame, money, my hard work, the time I spent for it, the value of it which I payed with my life. You will take everything. Thank you so much sir. I should hurt myself for trusting you, now I will take care of me and my project. I don't want your help. " I yelled at him and came of the center.

I went to the nearby beach and sat on the sand crying. I cried for my life, what would I do? How would I live? How would I take care of my daddy's medical expense?

I felt someone touching my shoulder. It was none other than my only friend. Kabir.

"Krish... Why are you crying that to here.. In... Just tell me what happened?" He asked me worried. And I told him everything and cried clutching his shoulder.

Being a best friend he offered me money when I was in a terrible position but I turned him down because HE didn't like Kabir. Kabir also offered me a job refused it because I didn't wanted any more problems.

"I knew it Krish... I knew it would happen. That Rangarajan was not that good man. Didn't I told to not to trust him?" He asked me annoyed.

Yes, he did warned me.

He got me a cup of tea and we both sat on the sand in a relishing silence except the sound of waves for ten minutes.

"Thank god I sent your theses copy to him as an alternative." He told me.

"You sent to whom?" I asked him confused.

"I sent it to Manohar Sir, he was in a hunt of a good astrobiologist. And I knew your project would be a treasure to them. " he told me looking into my eyes.

"Wh..what did you do? Bu..but why? Kabir don't you know, HE will be there... Why did you do that?" I asked him worried. I didn't want to face him in my life.

"Who? Adith?" He asked me back making me hung my head low.

"Why are you doing this to you Krish..? Why? Just face him. You were not wrong, then why are you running from him. It makes you a coward Krisha. It dose. Face him Krisha and by the way, you are not going there for Adith. You are there for your project. " he told me.

"I know...but I don't have much energy left in me Kabir. " I told him and cried.

"You have to Krish... My dear, you have to do it for you and your self respect. Make him realize that you have moved on. Grab the opportunity and meet Manohar Sir tomorrow. " he told me hosting up my confidence.

"How long you are going to suffer in the bloody bakery of yours Krisha? Tell me how long?" He yelled shaking at my shoulder.

He was right, how long I was going to run in spite of being an innocent. I have to take care of my family, I couldn't let my mom work, I also have to take care of my daddy.

I was not going to run anymore, after all I was just going to meet Manohar Sir not him.

Taking a long breath I told him " I'll do it Kabir, I'll meet Manohar sir, tomorrow. " he squealed in happiness and hugged me.

"All the best Krish. I'm so happy for your decision." He told me.

He dropped me home and I slept that night hoping a better tomorrow.


Assalamu allaikum and hello to all my lovely readers.

So what do you all think about Krisha? And the rest of the characters in this chapter. I hope you liked them and let me know your thoughts in the comments.

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