chapter 2 part 1

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  • Dedicado a Rewind, Drew, Gwen

After a day of running around and having fun with the musketeers we made our way back to the hotel. “Argh, can I go to sleep yet?” I asked them in a whiny voice. Gwen nodded and with that I ran to the room and collapsed on my bed, “Get out I'm getting changed” I scowled at the two who were standing at my door as I got off my bed and closed it. With a smug grin I quickly changed into a tight black singlet and black short shorts.

Clearing my discarded clothes and then opening the door I head out, “What are you two doing?” I asked. “Jake is on” Gwen said with a sly grin. I groaned inwardly and then walked to my room, “Night Musketeers” I called as I closed my bedroom door and turned the light off. I slipped into bed and stared into the black oblivion like darkness. One name came to mind before I slipped into the dream-chasm, Jacob.

The next morning I woke up at 6 o’clock. Grunting in a un-lady-like manner I pulled my blankets over my head and tried to go to sleep again, without success. Moaning I sat up and then changed into a black shirt, black leggings and a black mini skirt. My regular attire, stretching I made my way into the kitchen and started to cook us pancakes.

Around 7 o’clock Drew came out, “Man that smells good!” he exclaimed to me. With a laugh I flipped a few with experienced hands onto a plate and handed it to him. “Get your own spreads” I said grinning. Drew smiled, “Ok then” he said, the same time I turned and saw Gwen looking at us like we were insane. “Sorry Gwen” I laughed as I handed her a plate as well.

“Why are you not eating?” Drew asked me. “Eh… don’t really eat to be honest” I replied truthfully. At that comment Gwen dropped her jaw, “Gwen close your mouth you are not a cod fish” I said quoting Mary Poppins. “But you don’t eat?” she squeaked. I just nodded casually, “Don’t worry your pretty little head Gwenji” I said using her nickname. “Whatever Jahlia” she taunted back, which of course made my cheeks go scarlet red.

Around 11:30 the three of us left the hotel and headed out. “Gwen!” Drew exclaimed as the other blonde girl shouldered him into a pole. I watched him chase after her laughing like an idiot. “OI DUMMIES!” I called out, “We are going THIS way” I laughed at them as they exchanged exasperated looks. Drew then chased her all the way back, causing her to hide behind me. “Uh-no you don’t I grinned and pushed her out from behind me.

Now it was my turn to run as the two of them chased ME.

Both of them at my heels I squealed like a toddler and then, with an evil and knowing grin, I leaned down and started to run faster. Peering over my shoulder I noticed Gwen get puffed out first, Drew also turned to look and started to slow down. But unlike our only male musketeer I spun on the spot and let the wind pretty much carry me back. “You ok Gwen?” I laughed. My comment earned me a scowl and I just stood there grinning.

Drew appeared behind me his hair messed up from the wind blowing at his face. “You look terrible Drew” Gwen laughed. I just laughed at them, “Come on, we are getting Ice Cream!” I cheered. Gwen looked at me with a confused expression that quickly turned into one of joy, “YAY! ICE CREAM!” she called out causing other people to look at us like we were insane, which I mentally agreed with, smirking inwardly.

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