Chapter 3

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  • Dedicated to Rewind, Drew, Gwen

I woke to the sound of Gwen calling my name, “Tahlia, wake up, we have to get dressed and ready to go” she said. “Alright, I’m getting up” I groaned, sitting up. I pulled back my warm covers and stood up, “Get out; I am going to get changed.” I teasingly snapped, of course Gwen knew I was being playful and pretended to huff out of the room, shutting the door behind her so I could change. I slipped a black tight singlet with a greyish white skate outline on it, tight black roller derby skinz and my fishnets. My hair brushed smooth and flowing free.

Gwen wore a nice light green shirt, and a dark blue skirt that hung a few inches below her knees, and silver strap up sandals. Drew was wearing a nice white button up shirt, his hair brushed back with denim shorts that just reached above his knees. He was wearing white joggers, now a worn in greyish colour. Both looked great, I thought to myself with a smile. “Let’s go” I said cheerfully.

It was a 20 minute walk from where we were staying, but with the excitement we pretty much ran making it a 10-15 minute ‘run’. Laughing stupidly and out of breath the three of us burst into the Exhibition centre. Many people looked at us like we were stupid but I sure didn’t care what they thought.

Everyone wanted to see them, and a major line was cued. I groaned inwardly, “How can we be this patient? Come let’s see if we can see them.” I said, the line up to meet them was not blocking part of the barrier, so we could still stand at the fence and see them but not actually talk to them. I started to lead them to the fencing. Reaching it we looked over, all five boys were there, Robbie, Ross, Myk Ben and Jacob.

Looking at the boys my eyes scanned them all, but the instant my eyes landed on Jake nothing else mattered. He was even more perfect in person. He looked up and saw me; I swear my heart stopped as he smiled at me. Lifting a hand he indicated to us three to come over. I looked at the security and then back at him, he nodded. I walked over to the security with Drew and Gwen.

“Hi” I said to one of the security women. “Hello lovey” she replied. “Um, I am a friend of Jake’s and he asked us to come to him, but I thing you will want to double check” I said nervously. “Of course dear” she smiled, ducking under the rope, she made her way over to him. A few words were exchanged and she nodded to us. Grinning, the three of us slipped under the rope and went over to them.

“Hey guys” he said, his face smooth and cheery. I smiled, my face bright, “Hi Jacob” I murmured shyly. Drew nodded, “Hey Jake” he greeted casually. Gwen on the other hand looked like she was about to die, “OMG! HI JAKEY!” she practically squealed. Drew and I exchanged a glance and silently agreed to say nothing about it. “How are you guys?” Jake asked. “Great!” Drew said. “I am fine” I said myself, Gwen nodded probably not trusting her voice, and she was not even paying attention.

The girls hazel like eyes were on another muscular male figure, slick blonde hair and a low hanging shirt. I shook my head, “Gwen, we will see him really soon” I said to her. Jake laughed, a sound that made me feel week in the knees. I glanced at him, my own dark blue eyes meeting his warm, gentle forest brown ones. I was frozen; I could hear nothing and see nothing, but the perfect figure in front of me.

“Snap out of it” Gwen called as she shook me. “Oh my god, how long was I frozen for?” I cringed. “Don’t worry, I broke it almost instantly” she whispered into my ear. With an internal sigh of relief I nodded to Jacob and turned, “Come let’s see Myk now” I said. Both Drew and Gwen nodded to me and we turned to Myk, who was pretty much over the other side, fortunately and unfortunately Ben was sitting beside him.

“Hi Myk, Hi Ben” I greeted. Drew came up on my left between me and Ben, so Gwen had no choice but to stand beside me on my right and beside Myk and me. “Hi Myk” Gwen murmured, her eyes bright and excited as she pushed back a stay piece of hair behind her ear. Myk nodded, “Hey guys” he said with a smile, “Great to finally meet you all.” “You too baby Rewind” Taunted Drew with a playful smile.

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