Chapter 4

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  • Dedicated to Rewind, Drew, Gwen

As I was writing this chapter, I admit, my heart was racing at times. I felt like it was actually happening as I was typing this, and I hope you all enjoy it... Love you all and HAVE FUN READING!!!


Drew was laughing with Robbie, while Gwen was actually getting comfortable with Ben, curled up against him, her head into his lap. Ben rested his arm over Gwen’s side and absent minded played with her hair. Gwen’s eyes closed but the gentle smile on her face spoke about how happy she was. I let a smile touch the edge of my lips and turned to look at the boy whose arms I was laying in.

He was talking to Myk and Ross, but when I turned to look up at him the looked down at me and smiled. “Glad your comfy” he said smirking at me. I nodded, “Thanks smarty” I said reaching my hand up and touching his face gently. Before I could take my hand back he grabbed it and held it to his face smiling. “Your hands are soft” He murmured to me.

Hearing masculine snickers come from the background, I blushed. I knew the voices very well so I could tell it was Myk Robbie and Ross. I could also mentally see the expression that would have been on Drew’s face from hearing that come from Jake’s mouth to one of his best friends. That image made me laugh softly before a smile covered my face again looking into the delicate eyes of the one who was my world.

If you didn’t know, there is an animal trait in us all; it happened that my animal trait was a wolf and a horse. So it was like trapped inside me were a horse and a wolf. I had named my inner wolf, Thylin, and my inner horse was Raikyn. But the only animal trait that really stood out was that of Thylin. Thylin was howling at me, screaming and yelling, but even without Thylin I could tell. When I looked at him his eyes meeting mine, I knew it, he was my, Thylin’s, no he was OUR Soul Mate.

I could tell that something was going through his mind at the same time as something was running through mine. I leaned up and pressed my lips against his cheek, gently, letting them caress his cheek, and just touching the edge of his own lips. My heart raced as I looked away remembering that we were not alone and that I could not get carried away. Moving too soon could end badly. And I didn’t want to lose him when he was so close to my grasp.

Jake laughed softly letting my hand go, as it fell gently onto my chest. I looked at Gwen and Benjamin but the two were looking so comfortable, sleeping casually on the couch, Gwen curled against him and he had his arms wrapped around her, holding her secure to his body. Ben had his face buried in her hair and she had her face hidden in his chest. They looked so comfortable together.

Ross, Robbie and Myk had moved over to a few chairs with Drew, and were happily chatting together. Deep into conversation, but kept glancing up at the four of us, smiling happily. Jake took my hand and then lead me to a different room, “Annoying having them watch you or me all the time.” He murmured trying to make an excuse. I just shook my head and jumped onto one of the other couches in the new room curling up waiting for him.

He stepped over and took his place allowing me to curl up against him, kind of like Gwen and Benjamin. I felt him press his lips to my hair before he used one hand and lifted my face. I looked at him a slightly puzzled expression on my face. He smiled at me and then leaned down, pressing his lips to my forehead, both sides of my face and then winked at me. I looked at him in shock and then pulled away pushing my face into his chest blushing.

My heart was racing like mad as I typed this part of the story; it was an amazing feeling, something deep inside me churned with nerves as if it was happening as I typed it

“Your easy to make blush” he said with amusement causing me to blush more. “Shh” I murmured weakly, still getting over the shock of him pressing his lips against my face, kissing me gently. I sighed happily, “Jacob, really, you should not lead me on, you should not let me be with you like this if my heart will get hurt.” I said softly. “Who said anything about leading you on?” he replied, his voice muffled from his face being in my hair again.

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