"You will do anything?" I questioned. (I mean he does seem desperate for forgiveness but i still needed my confirmation. It could be all words and no action in the end.)

He nodded his head in yes. "Anything" he whispered back.

"Tell me what happened to me". I waited for some words to come out of his mouth. When nothing came to break his silence. I snapped.

"Why can't you tell me anything?" It came out as a shout then a question. I pushed him back. He flinched taking a visible step back.

"I can't believe the liar you are Alex. You came here calming to make thing up to me, and here you are, few minutes later!, I asked you one dam thing, and you can't give me answers to that. How will you make thing up to me? when you can't even be truthful to me?." my shoulder sagged. I was exhausted.

He opened his mouth to come up with some bull- effing-ish, but I raised my hand stopping him in middle.

"I don't what to hear it, if its one of your many lies. I am tired, and my body needs rest. Please leave, so I can sleep peacefully." I grumbled, when I see him not moving an inch.

"Are you waiting for Christmas here?" I asked with one brow lifting in question.

"I won't let you sleep on couch, you can sleep in the room, I will take the couch. Scanning him up and down. My gaze hardened.

"You know what, If it was anyone else, I would have denied. But for you!!. Go ahead. Sleep on the couch, for all you want". 

I made my way back to the room, my good side nagging, to give him something, to comfort himself. I know I would regret going back, but picking some pillow and a blanket, I slowly made my way back to him.

I heard him talk and stopped in my track.

"I know Rom, I know this is not what we planned. but I can't find it in me, to tell her the truth". I heard commotion from the other end, but I could hardly make sense out of it.

"I can't let her go Roman!. I don't know how to!. She is still in danger with Vanessa out on run. I won't be able to protect her, if she is fighting me on daily bases." I heard him stop taking. Exhaling long breath. He disconnected his call, making his way toward the room.

I ran as silently as possible, toward the room. Without closing the door, I fell on bed and rolled over. Dropping the stuff, I was holding on floor I closed my eyes. My back was facing the door now. I waited.

After few seconds I felt his presence beside the bed. I bit my lip to keep my facade from falling. The bed dipped, his breath hitting the back of my neck, made it even more hard to keep my act up.

He kissed my head and backed away. Closing the door, he left without any words.

After a minute or two, I sit up staring in dark.

Vanessa? Who is she? Why is she running? And why is Alex trying to defend me from her.? So many questions came down on me. I feel my panic rising. I bit my lips to keep me from falling apart right now. I did not want to strain my self from too much pressure. Taking few long breaths. I laid back and waited for the dreamless sleep to engulf me.

I tried my best to fall asleep, but nothing seems to work. It was around three in the morning, and I haven't had much of the rest. I was on verge of break down. Feeling like, i wanted to punch someone. It was nasty feeling.

I cursed myself when I heard my stomach growl. (Lord have mercy)

I hate to say this, but hunger and I are not good friends. Thought of good food start flashing in front of my eyes. My mouth flooded at thought of loaded pizza and chocolate cake.

I grumble, face palming myself I crawled out of the room. Trying to locate that kitchen from earlier, was not an easy task. After contemplating my way around the house, I found the luxurious heaven. It was dim lit, looking classy. cheering in my brain, i was happy i will finally feed.

Smiling to myself, I made my way to the refrigerator. I was a bit disappointed, when I found no pizza, but I did find some next best thing in there!.

Taking my ingredient for some sandwich, I prepared my self a big one. Sitting on top of the counter, I was stuffing my face with my food, completely minding my own business, when a blink of something caught my eyes. I shoved the remaining of the sandwich in my mouth.

Making my way toward the tilted painting on the wall. I pull it up. Behind that was a secret locker hidden from sight.

I find it very strange. Why would Alex have a locker in a kitchen, and on top of that, why would he hide it, behind some flowery painting. The locker has a password combination. I tried one or two codes that I thought could be password, but at third try it gave me warning. I stopped.

My curiosity grew more and more but a sound of Front door opening made me back off. I promised to come back for the locker later. Tip toeing back to my room i Flinched at the sound of it creaking at closer. I crawled back to bed.

My brain was filled with all type of thoughts, and last one keep going back to that locker. I wanted to know, what was so important for Alex? for him to keep in that locker?. I heard a third voice coming from hall. I didn't make any efforts to go out and do my formal greetings. Whoever was outside did not came near the room. I waited for them to leave, but somewhere down the lane of me waiting, I closed my eyes, before I know it I was out to my la la land.

So much for my secret mission of snooping around the locker.


Hi guys if you enjoyed the chapter please give it a thumbs up. See you next time. 

Also i would like to share my thought on something i wanted to work on future, i wanted to right a book called "Jade"

It will be a fiction on a girl some what mixed up, A super natural fighter. I don't know if i should start now of wait till i complete this book. 

Tell me your thoughts. 

Till next time

Love you.

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