16- The plus one (Part II)

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The DJ switched the song to an old classical one which Rithik mentioned was his favourite and how it brought memories of his childhood. I was more than grateful for the distraction. But it wasn't enough. I danced along, smiled and even laughed in between but it still didn't swallow the lump in my throat. It stuck to me like glue ever since he opened his big, fat mouth. Why did he have to be so kind, so affectionate? He made it difficult to leave.

My hands and legs seemed to have a mind on it's own as they moved along the beat. Our movements slowed down to the point where we were simply swaying our bodies left and right. We placed our arms on each other (his were on my hips while mine at his shoulders), looking- eye to- eye. Funny how I was avoiding his eyes earlier, now I couldn't stop looking into them. They seemed more brown and lucid under the lights. I could loose my footing and I still wouldn't look away. He looked so dazzling, this man. Everything— from his words, to his gestures, to his eyes, were affecting me in a way like never before. I felt sensitive to it. I felt like I could fall deeper and deeper.

I could simply fall for him.

Maybe he was right on rejecting my invitation tonight.

We stopped as the song neared it's end. Rithik stole that moment to lean his forehead against mine, his gaze heavy on me. It strangely reminded me of the first time we met at the bar and our first kiss. But instead of smirking at each other like that time, we were smiling with our eyes closed. With that, we finally exited the stage.

The world suddenly sparkled. I was aware of the people around me yet I couldn't feel them. They could be just a walking, talking piece of cardboard. That's how little they mattered. It was just Rithik and me, amongst various souls and events clashing around us. We walked hand in hand wherever we went. It could be at a Vada pav stall or getting stuck amongst the crowd. I even stole a chance to kiss him on the cheek once. There was a moment where we bumped into Shivani and Devki. I left his hand out of sheer embarrassment, only to hold it again after they left.

At times he was nice, at other times, he was a prick. If any Cinderella happened to talk or nearly flirt with him, he would distract them by saying he and I had something to do, clearly making them suspicious. If in case, the reverse happened, Rithik would let the guy know he was my date tonight, also making it look suspicious.

The juniors were standing on the stage, gifting seniors an item, and a specific title that was previously decided by the classmates through poll. I was given the cliched title of 'beauty with brains'. Nonetheless, I was estatic receiving it. When I saw Shivani, Devki, Rithik and a few other classmates, cheer for me, I became nostalgic. I suddenly found myself going down the memory lane when I first arrived to college. My first year wasn't anything special. I just got through it by attending classes like a machine while indulging in few conversations in between. I wasn't expecting anything spectacular, to be honest. I wasn't expecting to make friends. My previous years at school had murdered all my hopes.

But, I did.

It all started with Khushboo's offer to share the apartment with her during my second year. That's when things got a little exciting. I never thought there would come a day when I would stand on the stage, facing my class with a genuine smile on my face. I never thought I would come across friends with whom I could share my bitchy side. I never thought that the man I admired from afar in a fashion walk would be amongst the crowd admiring me.

The world is vile and all kinds of disgusting for sure but it's a beautiful place, too.

Maybe living wasn't such a pain in the ass after all.

* * *

Rithik stayed with me all throughout the farewell party. Infact, he accompanied me home to make sure I was safe. Typical male chauvinist. It was eleven at night. We were taking a small walk towards my apartment, holding hands. The streets were silent, the shops were closed. I could feel our date was coming to an end as the building came into view.

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