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After lunch I walked Jeremy to his next class. "So.. what are you going to do again?" I asked, though I already knew; I just wanted to here is amazing voice.

"Well, it's a drama thing, and we're working on duets right now," Jeremy said with the cutest gleam in his eyes.

"Oh right. Who is your partner?"

"I don't know yet, but there's this one song that I really want to work on, it's called 'What Would I Do?', it's from Falsettos," Jeremy smiled at me. "You probably have no idea what that meant.."

"Not really, but I'll give it a listen," I reassured. We finally got to the amphitheater.

"Okay, bye now," Jeremy said to me. I nodded and went in for a hug, but he went to shake my hand. He stabbed me in the gut and I grunted. Great.

"Uh.. sorry, bye," I turned away before he could see my bright red blush.

I didn't have a class for a while, so I went to visit Connor. I walked to his cabin while listening to Falsettos; it was really gay, I was surprised Jer listened to it.

I opened the door to the cabin and noticed.. petals on the floor? 

I got to the bedroom and saw candy on the bed, which I plopped down on. All of a sudden, Connor and Jared stepped out of the closet and held roses.

I was thrown into a giggling fit, as was Jared, but Connor was just stunned.

"What the..?" Connor mumbled and sat on the bed next to me.

"Why are you here?" Jared asked somewhat sassily.

"I came to talk to your boyfriend, what are you guys doing?"

"We were waiting for Evan," Jared mumbled, now somewhat embarrassed.

"Too cheesy guys, let's go Con," I grabbed his hand and the box of candy.

"Bye, babe," Jared said and blew a kiss.

We got out of the cabin and walked on a trail in the woods.

"I think I like someone," I blurted out.

"Aww, Mikey's got a crush!" Connor mocked and relaxed.

"I'm serious Con, he makes me so nervous, I can't function around him.."

"Worse than Nick?"

"Way worse."

"Okay.. here's what you're gonna do..." Connor said as he ate some of the candy I grabbed. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2018 ⏰

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