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After dinner, my cabin mates and I headed back to the cabin. We were just hanging out right now; I was drawing, Alex was writing, Herc measuring some fabric, and Laf looking at some makeup tutorials. 

"Hey guys, how about a good game of truth or dare to get to know each other?" I eagerly suggested.

"Oui!" Laf replied, and we all scrambled to the floor to sit in a circle and start the game.

"Truth or dare Herc?" Alex asked.


"I dare you to be in only boxers the rest of the night!"

He hurriedly went to his room and came back in only navy blue boxers, and I noticed Laf staring a little. "Okay, that was simple enough. John, truth or dare?"


"If you and Alex happened to wake up in the same bed wearing your boxers only, how would you respond?"

I became a flushed mess, as did  Alex, but I managed to answer, "Well, I mean, I would, uh, put on a shirt I guess? Maybe leave the bed?"

"Maybe?" Alex asked me and raised an eyebrow, only making me  blush more and not be able to reply. 

"Oh, Johnny boy, always falling quickly, aren't you?" Laf whispered to me.

"Back off. Okay Laf, truth or dare?" I asked him after punching his arm..


"Um... sit in Herc's lap for the rest of the game!" he looked liked he was unwillingly doing it, but his eyes had a gleam that said he liked it. He plopped int Herc's lap, who relaxed and put his head on Laf's shoulder.

"Alright, Alex, truth or dare?" Herc asked.


"Go up to Jefferson's cabin, look through the window creepily, and yell 'Jeffmads is real'," Herc was clearly trying  to make up a ridiculously weird one, and it was going to be hilarious.

"Ha yes Laf! That's absolutely perfect. I'll go record so you and Herc can stay here comfortably," I offered with a suggestive wink.

"Shut up, just go," Herc said and we walked out to get the dare done.

Alex went up to their window and stared at Jefferson until he noticed. I had my phone out and was already on the verge of tears from wanting to laugh. "Jeffmads  is real!" he squeaked when Thomas looked at him. The instant reaction from Jeffs was flipping off Alex. Madison blushed brightly and went to comfort Thomas. Rich, Jake, and some other dude named Burr came out and high-fived Alex. Priceless. Once we went back, Alex was still  bright red, and I  was probably going to suffocate he was laughing so hard.

The night continued on with more funny dares and deep truths, until we eventually wore out and fell asleep, no one seeming to care that Laf ended up falling asleep on the floor cuddled up with a boxer-only Herc, or that Alex and I  were resting on each other while dozing off.

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