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"Okay babe, neither of us have classes until after three, and Evan should be back by two, so we've got an hour to prepare for him," I told Jared.

"Alrighty, what do you want to do first?"

"We could head up and grab some food and discuss our plan maybe? I can't think straight 'cause I haven't eaten in like, three days."

"One, you can't think straight anyway. And two, don't do that to yourself! Please, you know I can't stand it."

"But why? I mean, it's not like I deserve to eat," I say while staring at my feet.

"Don't say that ever again. You are one of the only things in this world that matter to me, and if anyone deserves to eat it's you. You're absolutely perfect just the way you are, and whenever you think otherwise I want to die." Jared was on the verge of tears.

"No you shou-"

"Yes I should. If I don't give you enough love and support to make you feel like you should eat, then I'm doing something wrong. It's my job to make sure you're healthy, and it kills me to see you do this to yourself. Please eat more regularly, for me? Your sister? Evan? Your perfect self?"

I looked up at Jared's pleading face, then smile softly. "I will Jared, I'll try my hardest at least. It's hard when it's all mental, but with you at my side I think I can be okay."

We walk down to the common in a mostly pleasant silence, our hands intertwined. In the commons, we grab our food and head to a table with Michael and Jeremy at it.

"Hey you two, what brings you to sit with us today, I have no weed on me unfortunately," Michael greets us and Jeremy snickers.

"We need some advice and were wondering if you could help us out?" I inquire. 

"Yeah, what is it?" Michael asked.

"Well, we both sorta have this crush on Evan and were wondering what the perfect way to ask him to be with us would be?" I asked quickly.

"Oh, yes, I've got a perfect idea, puns included. Jared you go up to Evan holding Connor's hand and be like 'Evan, I know that you know I'm poly' and then grab his hand and say, 'but I'm also poly!' Get it, 'cause your polysexual, but you want to be in a polyamorous relationship with him as well," Jeremy tried to make his joke funny, none of us were really impressed, though. Only Michael smiled but that was because he thought anything the other did was funny and adorable. "Okay I'm trying too hard, I'll shut up now."

"Please do, that was terrible," Jared says  frankly. "Any actual ideas?"

"You could get him two roses, one from each of you, then just ask him," Michael suggested.

"Ooh, roses, I like that!" Jared's eyes lit up adorably when he said it..

"Sounds good to me, thanks you guys for help!" I say while dragging Jared  away to go find some roses. This was going to be such a great evening, I just know it.

Camp Baob {BMC - DEH - Heathers - Hamilton}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz