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I sat alone in my dorm, awaiting my new cabin mate. My other roomie from last year was a senior, so I was getting someone new this year. Anxiety was making me freak out, I breathed heavily and quickly tapped my foot on the floor. Should I call Connor? No, he'll just tell me I'm lame, or to stop acting up and just get high, or to-

My thoughts were cut off by loud cries from the Revolutionaries' cabin. Those people always had fun at camp, while all I did was hang around awkwardly. It was my fourth year, and I barely had any friends, now that my roomie was gone. Hopefully my new one likes me, or is cool, or can help me, maybe we might even-

My thoughts were interrupted again, but this time by someone opening the cabin door.

"Thanks for the ride Rich!" he called to two boys as they walked toward another cabin next to the Revolutionaries. "Hello, I'm Jeremy, you must be Michael?"

I looked at the boy in the frame of the door, staring with wanting eyes. He had a thin and tall frame, and he was very pale. His ice blue eyes sparkled and had gleams of hope in them. He was wearing a red, white, and blue striped shirt with dark skinny jeans. "I, uh, y-yeah I'm Michael," I say after I realize I'd been staring.

"Cool," he said, then an awkward silence started because I was staring again. "Well this is awkward," the cute boy, no, Jeremy states.

"Yeah, uh sorry, just anxious I guess. Need help unpacking?"

"Sure, thanks!"

I open a drawer, but soon realize it was one of mine. I slammed it quickly, hoping he wouldn't catch what was inside of it.

"What was that?"

"Uh, n-nothing, just, here,  the top two drawers and the right half of the closet can be yours."

"Okay.. thanks," he smiled sweetly and walked over to the drawers, then we started  to put his things into them. He was so close I could faintly smell his cologne. 

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