Caught Between

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I stood up ready to ask him to leave, but he caught me by surprise and kissed me. He wrapped his arms around me and held me close. I wanted to pull away, but I couldn't find it in me to do so. His lips were so enticing. I guess there was something in me that still wanted him. Even though he shattered my heart. He stopped kissing me and smiled at me still holding me close. He sighed and began to speak.

"I know that I hurt you and I'm sorry. Lexi you mean so much to me. You have no idea. I'm not going to make any excuses, because I realize that won't help anything. Can you just hear me out for a minute? I need to tell you what really happened. The truth." He said.

"Colby, you broke me. I trusted you and let me down." I reasoned, holding back tears. "But go ahead I guess." I willed.

"I left your house to get some breakfast. On the way I got a call from Trish, the girl I was at the cafe, she asked me to meet her there. I didn't want to, but I did anyways. I decided I would tell her about you and that I would be seeing her anymore. You seen us and left before I could tell her. That's all." He said in all seriousness.

"Really?" I questioned.

"Yes. I swear." He said holding me tighter than before.

"I believe you..."

"Oh thank god!" He said kissing me again.

I pulled back. "... but you need to know I'm seeing someone else."

"What? Who?" He offered, his expression quickly changing to one of disappointment.

"Zayn." I cheered, starting to blush a little at the thought of him. "Zayn.. Malik"

"From One Direction?" He spat.

"That's the one." I smiled.

"You've got to be kidding me!" He reprimanded, releasing me and pacing back and forth.

"No. I'm not." I sighed. "Listen. I wasn't planning on this happening. It's going to be hard on me too."

"Whatever. You're going to run off with him and be happy all the while forgetting that I even exist." He bellowed.

"Of course not. Colby we aren't even going out yet. Besides, I could never forget you. You mean way too much to me." I said as I wrapped my arms around him in a tight hug.

He smiled and kissed my cheek. "I have to go, but I'll call you." He said walking out the door.

I stood there thinking to myself for awhile. Will I really have to choose between them? I mean how could I ever do that? No, it'll never come to that. I reassured myself. Just then my phone rang. It was Sam. She wanted to know if I wanted to catch a movie with her. I told her that would be great. I changed and left.

The next day I was abruptly awakened by the sound of my doorbell. I hurried downstairs. When I opened the door I was shocked to see, there sprawled out everywhere along my porch, twenty-five dozen red roses. My favorites. My cheeks flushed and I smiled vigorously. I plucked the card from the nearest bouquet. It read:

Hey lovely! Good morning! How are you? I hope you like these. I wasn't sure what you would like. I can't wait to see you tonight baby. I think I'm really falling for you and we haven't even had our first date yet! I'm so excited to see your beautiful face. Xx <3

Love, Zayn

A huge smile stretched across my face as I slid the note in my pocket. I started gathering up all of the vases full of roses. I wasn't sure where to put all of these beautiful flowers. I finally decided to just spread them out all over the house. Two in the kitchen. One in moms room. Two in the guest room. One on the inn table in the living room. Two on each side if the T.v. in the living room. Finally, I put all the rest in my room. It was kind of difficult, but I didn't care. I loved them so much. I picked up the phone and called Zayn.

"Hey, guess who just got your flowers?" I said gleefully.

"Oh, erm I don't know. I sent Harry some flowers today. Did he get 'em?" He joked.

"No. Babe I got your flowers and I love them so much! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you." I giggled.

"You're welcome honey. I'm glad you liked them. I am just so ready to see you again."

"Awww." I smiled.

"Hey, I've gotta go. I'll see you later. Buh bye."

"Bye." I said hanging up the phone.

The rest of the day dragged on, but eventually the time to get ready approached. I jumped in the shower before dressing. I slipped on a tight flashy leopard print dress, before doing my makeup and curling my hair. I put on some black sparkly stilettos and went downstairs to wait on Zayns call. I sat there for a moment before my phone rang. I expected it to be Zayn, but it was Colby. I answered.

"Hey princess! Whatya say let's do dinner tonight? Maybe a movie too?"

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