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A few days past. Zayn texted a few times and called me at night before I went to bed, but we hadn't got to see each other in days. I felt so lonely. Sam had left on vacation and Colby had been at his Dad's three hours away for the last few days. He called me the day after that girl answered his phone and said that it was a girl he had been talking to. That made me feel horrible. The thought of him being with someone else made me sick. Ever since our fight we didn't hang out or talk everyday like we used to. That made me feel even worse.

I grabbed my keys from the inn table next to the front door and took off for the bluffs. Mom was at work again so I could stay there all night if I wanted to, which didn't sound all that bad. As I pulled up and parked just before the rocks dropped off I noticed the sun setting. It was so beautiful. I turned on my radio and rolled down the windows before climbing on to the hood. I hesitated a little worrying I might dent my brand new car, but luck was on my side. I gazed straight up at the sky and my mind wondered off elsewhere.

Why did I feel like this? Not seeing Zayn is killing me. He's always so busy. I know he's famous and all, but all those times I dreamt of us being together, thinking it would never happen, I never pictured it being this way. It was... different in my dreams... Perfect. Was I expecting too much of him?

It felt like I laid there, on the hood of my car, all night. My stomach started growling, so I headed home. I went in and checked the kitchen. Banana.. peanut butter.. ramen noodles.. a can of potato soup.. I houghed. Ugh. There's nothing here. What the hell, I thought. I'll just go to the cafe' down the street. I grabbed my keys again checking the time before I left. 7:03. Perfect, they'd be open for about another hour.

As I pushed through the door, bells sounded, and a waitress turned to face me.

"Sit where ever you like honey" She smiled, turning back around to pour someone's drink.

I chose a booth for two in the corner and plopped down. I looked over the menu. I finally spotted what I wanted and the waitress came to my table soon enough.

"A double cheese burger, fries, some pickles, and a chocolate shake. Please."

"Coming right up" The waitress smiled.

All of a sudden I felt a tap on my shoulder. I spun around to see no one there. Okay, who's screwing with me. I thought to myself. I decided to just shake it off, when I turned back around out of nowhere sat Colby in the seat across from me. I jumped a bit, almost screaming.

"What the hell Colby? You scared the shit out of me!" I frowned, my heart pounding.

He didn't even say anything he just laughed at me.

"It's not funny!"

"Okay. Okay. I'm sorry." He smiled, making eye contact with me.

"What're you doing here anyways? I thought you were at your Dad's?" I questioned.

"Oh yeah, I was. I just got back about to hours ago." He said, beginning to fumble with his hands.

"Oh. How was it?"

"It was alright. I didn't know anyone up there though. So, how've you been Lexi?" He said, before starring down at the table.

"Good" I lied.

"You're lying" He accused looking back up at me before grabbing my hand.

"No.. I just.. I'm fine. Really." I lied again.

"I know you better than that. Lex, you know you can tell me anything. That has never changed"

He rubbed his thumb across my hand almost massaging it.

"It's just things between me and Zayn are kind of getting to me." I said in almost tears.

Why was I so emotional?

"Is he being a douche bag? I swear to god I'll kick his ass!" He forewarned, getting all worked up.

"No. Colby, I just never get to see him and we barely talked. He's just always so busy. I know it's not his fault and he has obligations, but it's been really rough on me." I sighed.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know things were getting difficult for you. I just thought you were happy. That's why I've been.. well, avoiding you. I just figured you didn't need me."

"I was happy at the beginning, happy with the thought of what our relationship would be like. It's much different than what I imagined. I guess I was just fooling myself. I just don't really know anything right now, but one thing I do know is that I've always needed you Colby. You've been there for me through everything. You're my best friend. Colby, I love you." I spilled, looking him right in his eyes.

Colby didn't say a word for what seemed like ages.

"Lexi, I love you too, but I think we should stay friends." He said finally breaking the silence.

I didn't know what to say. I felt like he just broke up with me, like he just ripped my heart right out of my chest.

"Listen, I gotta go." He said before letting go off my hand and hugging me before he left.

The waitress brought my food and I stayed there in the cafe' and ate my food alone as tears streamed down my face.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2013 ⏰

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