☠️ Chapter - 12 ☠️

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Song: Too Much To Ask - Niall Horan


There, on my bed sat a familiar pink coloured note. I started shaking in fear. He came here again. He could be anywhere in the house right now.

I sprinted out of the room and down the stairs. My foot collided with the sofa and before I could meet the ground, a pair of hands caught my waist and picked me up. I thrashed in their hold blindly until a calm voice said "Calm down love, it's me."

I turned my head in his hold to look into his green eyes and I saw worry flash in his eyes when he looked at my teary face.

Walden took a seat on the sofa with me in between his arms. "I-I saw a - there-s-a note on t-the bed upstaaaa-irs" I sobbed on his chest.

He abruptly stood up hearing that, placing me on the sofa and ran upstairs to check the room. I heard him climbing down the stairs after a few minutes with the note crumpled in his left fist.

He settled beside me and placed me on his lap. I couldn't stop crying. I was scared, very scared. This has been going on for weeks now and I've been trying hard to not to let him get to me. But, things keep falling out of control.

He knows about our family. He is always coming inside our house anytime he wants like he owns it.

Walden started rubbing my back trying to calm me down. "There is no one there now love, he already left. It's okay" he tried to calm me down.

"Did you hurt yourself?" He asked looking at my feet.

I shook my head.

"What does it say?" I asked, afraid when I stopped crying.

Walden wouldn't say anything so I took hold of his hand in mine and opened his fist. I uncrumpled the note and read it:

I am so sorry for the bandage on your head, love. I didn't mean to hurt you but you wouldn't listen to me. I will see you soon.

I shivered in fear. He is going to come again.

Walden's phone rang and seeing it was Arthur who was calling, he picked it up immediately.

"He is dead?" I heard him ask, shocked. I am having a very bad feeling about this.

He cut the call after a few minutes.

"Cade Black could not make it" he said and just like that my tears returned and I started sobbing. I didn't even know him but I felt bad for him and for myself.

"Shh, love" Walden tried to calm me down "It's going to be okay. We are going to be okay."

"B-Bu-t ho-w Waaald?" I sobbed "H-He wouldn't leave m-e alon-e a-nd the one person who h-elped me just d-ied."

I started wheezing and his eyes widened in alarm. I started coughing and he ran out of the room and came back in a few seconds. He handed me my inhaler before things could get worse for me.

"Jaine baby, please calm down" I heard him say as I pumped the medicine in my mouth.

I rested my head on the couch. Silence followed for a while with him rubbing my back.

"You need to rest" He said as he moved to pick me up but I stopped him.

"No" I said "I want to go-"

"No!" he snapped "You just gave me a heart attack seconds ago. You won't argue me on this. You need to rest and don't worry, I won't leave you alone. We can go there tomorrow."

"But Wald-"

"No 'buts' Jaine! Have you looked at yourself? Your head injury hasn't healed yet and you almost gave yourself an asthma attack!" He lectured "At this rate, you are going to dig an early grave for me."

"Don't worry I'll join you there too" I muttered under my breath but by the look on his face, I guess he heard it.

"Sorry" I mumbled and got up and we both went to bed early that day. Walden called his boss and took the next day off.

As far as my college was concerned, I would continue going there. Even if the lunatic roams around there and finds me. I can't live paranoid each and every second because of him. Of course, I am afraid but I can't just stop everything for him.

In the morning, Walden dropped me to college after our full blown argument. He wouldn't let me go fearing for my safety and I did not want to sit at home and wait for him to come for me.

I spotted Kevin in the cafeteria and I joined him. I would try to ask him some questions about his life. That way, I can know if he is him or my suspicion is just based on mere coincidences.

"Hey, how are you doing?" I asked him, as I put my stuff down on the table.

He looked surprised to see me "Good, how are you?" He smiled, pointing to the bandage on my head.

"I'm much better, thanks. It's going to be removed in a few days" I smiled back at him.

Before I could initiate further conversation or more like interrogate him with my questions, Calvin, Wendy and Ethan joined us.

"It's so cold today" Wendy shivered as she too a seat to my left. Calvin & Ethan followed suit and greeted us.

I introduced them to Kevin and all of us fell into a light conversation, topic being Kevin. I could use that.

"Where are you from, Kevin?" Wendy asked.

"I'm actually from England. I settled here in Washington with my family two months ago" he said.

"That's where he got his cute accent from" Wendy muttered under her breath but I heard her.

"How is your family? Are you guys liking it here?" Calvin asked.

"It's nice here but, it's kinda hard to shift in a new country when you have an year old kid with you."

Calvin whistled "Indeed, that must be hard."

It can't be Kevin.

He has a kid. He is a family person.

"So when are you introducing us to your girlfriend?" Wendy asked.

"My wife, actually. I'm married" he said, looking somewhat embarrassed.

One more reason for him not to be a suspect.

"No need to be embarrassed, Jaine here is married too" Wendy nudged me and I smiled at him.

I excused myself since I had to attend my first class and soon the day was over. I was walking in the hallway to meet Walden outside when suddenly I felt that I was being watched by someone.

I turned around to face none other than Ethan.

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