Blood, sweat, and tears went into a game a champion came out.

41 0 0

"It's just so sad! You guys where going to be together forever." Bezzy was going on and on in the team tent about me and Tommy. She made it seem like we were a hopelessly in love couple or something.

"Bez we weren't ever actually together." I said while trying to stay in the zone for my next race, but still amused at her drama queen antics. Bezzy was the queen of over exaggeration... and eating disorders.

"Thank God" Robert muttered under his breath.

I laughed out right at that. Since my little incident with Tommy, Robert had made it clear that he thought Tommy was a tool, and that he was glad I didn't waste my time with him anymore. I think Robert thought I would start to like him, but I couldn't bring my self to even entertain the idea. Olympic qualifiers where coming up and I didn't need the distraction of a boyfriend. That and I was still pretty raw over Tommy. If I thought about it for to long I started feeling nauseous. So I stopped.

"He's really not as bad as you think Robert." I think I had made Tommy sound worse than he actually was.

Robert looked at me like I was crazy, " Did he or did he not hurt you?"

I was taken aback by that, and my words came out fumbled because of it, "Well t-technically I-"

he put a hand up to silence me, "Did he or did he not hurt you?" He said it slowly enunciating every syllable making the words sound odd.

I took a breath and said, "He did hurt me, but-" he cut me off again which was starting to irritate me .

"He did hurt you, which means he is as bad as I think." Robert said nonchalantly like he was talking about the sky being blue or something."but any way don't you have to go warm up? They called the 3200 meter a little while ago."

"Right. Come on Bezzy, time to do some real work." I stripped off my jacket and sweat pants before grabbing my spikes in one hand and my Bezzy's arm in the other. We walked out of the Serrano team tent arm in arm, and when we where far enough away that no one could hear us the gossip began.

" Oh my lanta he is to perfect! Please tell me your not being all boring silent type around him!" Bez was gripping my hand tightly demanding answers.

"I am not boring, and he is definitely not perfect! He's so... I don't know what to call it. Mysterious maybe?" I didn't realize how much I missed Bezzy until we had talks.

"Mysterious? Hmm maybe, but either way you need to go out with him like right freaking now!" We started to jog slowly to get ready for the race.

" I don't have time for a boyfriend! I need to focus on track and keeping my Pop out of that freaking hospital." Lately he had been going to see Mom a lot and that was not a good sign. She wasn't coming back and he needed to understand that.

" You're right, but he's just to freaking yum!" She gushed.

" Bezzy why don't you date him! If you think he's so hot and all that." I laughed to myself because Bezzy never thought any guy liked her, but in reality every one thought she was one of the prettiest girls in school.

"Ya right! He's way out of my league." just then over the loud speaker they announced that we needed to be at the starting line for our race. So we made our way quickly to the starting line. When we got there they put us in our lanes and I slipped my ear plugs in.

It was time to do some real work. I put my feet into the starting blocks, and got into my stance. I lowered my head and closed my eyes, waiting for the gun to go off.


I took off to get in front of the pack. I couldn't see where Bezzy was but I knew if I looked back I would start to slow down. So I just kept kicking. Noting was getting in the way of me and that finish line this time. I could hear the steady thumping of the girls behind me through my ear plugs. So I knew I was probably only 20 meters in front of them. The first 2800 meters went by quickly, and I kept my lead the whole time. There was one girl keeping pretty good pace with me but I could tell she was getting tired. The last 400 is the worst so I decided to push, and not just attempt. I pushed so hard my legs burned with how hard I was pushing them. My heart was thumping hard and all I wanted was to win. To see every one congratulate me. To make coach proud. The finish line was right in front of me  and I leaned forward to get a better time. The last step I toke I knew it was the winning one.

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