The only place success comes before work is the dictionary

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The Ambulance ride was short. Or at least it felt short. When we arrived I was hit with the sickly hospital smell. Every time it reminded me of my mom... Bezzy was out cold and I was nearly jogging to keep up with the nurses wheeling her to a room. They made me wait outside her room while they "Helped her" as they put it. Usually we would be out of here with in forty five minutes. Bez would wake up realize what happened. Eat a banana and drink a bottle of water then we would be back at the meet like nothing happened. Or that's how it usually would happen. This time something felt different. She stayed unconscious longer, and this time they didn't just let me in the room.

When a nurse finally came out into the hall she didn't tell me to go in. She wanted to talk to me.

"Honey, where are Beatrice's parents?" Said a middle aged nurse who looked like she had seen way to much in her life time. I was taken aback at the question. I have only heard Bezzy's real name said aloud once. When we where eight and I first met her and she said "Hey, I'm Beatrice but you ever call me that and I'll punch you in the face." she always did have character.

"Umm... Probably at work. I wouldn't call them if I where you." Bezzy's parents weren't exactly the nicest or most caring people I'd ever met.

The nurse looked puzzled but continued anyway, "Well do you know any one I should call then? Because frankly it's nice to have you here and all but we need to speak to an adult about her condition." she sounded so rude that at the moment I decided I didn't like her.

I tried not to laugh but a snort accidentally escaped, "Look lady-"

She cut me off, "Clarissa" She said sternly.

I rolled my eyes people and authority always irritate me, "Okay, 'Clarissa'" I said mimicking her tone, "I know you want to talk to an adult but at this moment the only people that would come down here if they could are: One of our three coaches but there at a track meet so that wont work, her aunt, but to bad she's in Italy for a week, and my mother, but to bad she's no longer with us. So sorry but your stuck with me." I then gave her a fake smile.

She glared at me, sighed and said, "Fine, since you seem to think you can handle anything how about if I told you that your friend is anorexic? Do you still want to be the only one here?" She talked like that would actually scare me or something.

"I would tell you that I know, and that we've been trying to help her for a long time now. So if your done trying to out do me would you just please tell me if she's okay?!" I said quickly. The nurse looked like she wanted to strangle me... I don't blame her.

"Beatrice is in a stable state but it seems she hasn't eaten in at least twenty four hours, and she was extremely dehydrated. We put her on an IV drip for both and she will be fine this time. We're surprised she isn't in a worse state considering she was running." I nodded as she talked. I knew why she wasn't in a worse state because she does it all the time her body is use to it, but I wasn't about to say that.

"When can she be released?" I asked seriously wanting to get out of here.

"She can leave as soon as the paper work is done so about fifteen minutes, but it would be wise to have her stay over night for observation." I didn't think it would be necessary she wouldn't eat anything they tried to give her anyway.

"Umm. I don't think that's a good idea I'll just take her home." I said biting my lip.

Clarissa nodded and motioned for me to go in and said, "You might want to knock she's probably changing into her clothes." and with that she walked down the hall and turned at the corner.

I thought about knocking but then I remembered all the times she has neglected to knock and I decide to just walk in. I walked in and sure enough she was changing.

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