If somethings important to you you'll find a way if not you'll find an excuse

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The week pasted in a blur. I hadn’t actually had a normal conversation with Tommy the whole week. He stopped going to practice and I had seen him having a deep conversation with my Dad one day after school. Maybe he was quitting, but I couldn’t get a grasp on something like that. He was a runner and always had been. Every thing about him screamed next Olympian runner. I had this strange feeling that there was something more going on. Almost like every one new something that I didn’t. Plus football season was starting and that didn’t particularly put me in a bright mood. It wasn’t like I just hated every football player just because they where one, but more like I hated what they stood for. Just like when Tommy was being so mean about the kids that sat in the snake pit. It’s like they won’t be associated with anyone who is a little different. I’m not saying that I was any different. I’d like to think that back then I at least had the decency to not be a totally ass hole to anybody that wasn’t as cool as me. I had a few friends that sat in the snake pit so I never made an open effort, like the football players, to be mean to them. Thinking back I might have actually not liked the football players because they took my best friend. They could have taken anything else in my life except my best friend, but they took the one thing that meant the most to me. I felt betrayed by Tommy like he found new friends and I was nothing to him anymore. God I was wrong.

 On Friday we didn’t have practice after school because we had a meet the next day. I didn’t feel like running at all that day so I didn’t even go down to the track during study hall. The bell rang and I picked up my stuff sluggishly. I had to go back to my locker to get my books and then I was planning to go home for a quiet night. Once I got to my locker I saw Robert leaning against it smiling at me.

 I tried to look enthusiastic when I smiled back but I guess he saw through me, “What’s up? You look like you’re in pain or something.” He said nudging me with his shoulder playfully.

 I put on a better happy face and said, “Nothing, I’m just trying to get in the zone for tomorrows big meet. It’s our biggest competition of the year! Palm Springs is going down.”

 I guess that was a good enough answer for him, “Sounds intense, can I come?”

 I was a little taken aback. No one ever came to track meets, “Well I guess if you want to then sure, but it’s not all that interesting. Plus it’s like an all day thing.”

 “I want to come. Just as long as you don’t leave me in the stands alone.” He chuckled.

 I smiled, “I won’t, and you can sit with me in the team tent.” I said shutting my locker and turning towards him.

 He looked pleased, “Good, so it’s a date?”

 I couldn’t tell if he was kidding or not so I said, “In your dreams” and started walking to the senior parking lot.

I realized that I was his ride home so my exit was ruined, “I know you wish it was a date.” He said wiggling his eye brows at me.

 I couldn’t help but laugh because he would be a good date, “Just get in the car before I change my mind.”

 He got in and we drove home. I had started not really living at my Dads house at all. So Robert and I had made a habit of driving to and from school together since I had taken up permanent residence at my mom’s house. When we pulled into my drive way my stomach did a flip. Tommy was leaning against the side of his truck waiting for me. A stupid grin was plastered on his face, and he was spinning his keys around his finger.

 Robert got out of the car and came around to my side, “What time should I be ready by for tomorrow?” he said eyeing Tommy suspiciously. I had a feeling Robert wasn’t fond of him.

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