Listen, Don't Touch ~ Chapter 5

Comenzar desde el principio

                  He laughed. "They're not...okay they are. Only a little bit. Mostly players. See, Tristan and Logan are...complicated. They are pretty competitive. Grades. Sports. Girls. Hence, the constant blondie by their sides." (A/N, no offense to blonds, I love blonds btw)

                  "Why?" I asked. That was the most RIDICULOUS thing I've ever heard. Why would you compete with someone? I would rather waste my time in yogurt. Or sleeping. In bed. With a snuggle buddy! I mean, snuggle bunny. Yuuup...

                  He shrugged. "They hate each other, as simple as that. Interfere with their rivalry, and prepare to die."

                  We stared at Logan a minute more (like STALKERS! O.O) before he glanced down the hall and spotted us. He caught my eye and frowned. I glared.

                  "It's lunch right?" I swiveled and walked the other way.

                  "Yeah...hey wait up, you look mad. What's wrong?" He put an arm around my shoulders again as we headed away from the Logi-monster and to the lunch room.

                  I smiled. "What are you talking about? I'm ecstatic! I get to eat like a Dinowhore! RAWR!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, of course.

                  More stares. Awkward silence. AND THUS I HAVE BEEN BORN! MUAHAHAHA!

                  "Did you make any friends?" He asked. WOAH, was someone actually interested in my life?! Shocker.

                  "Nope!" I shouted happily. "Tristan hit on me. I don't know why."

                  He stopped walking and stared at me. "He what?"

                  "He hit on me." I emphasized slowly. "That's not normal?"

                  "You're not normal." He shook his head and frowned. "And, well, he does hit on everybody, but...This isn't good."

                  "Why not? Every one hits on me. I'm awesome, hot, sexy, hot, steaming, awesome, hot–"

                  "Okay, I get it, you're a hot piece of shit, the point is–"

                  "Ew! Boiling shit?! That's disgusting!"

                  "The point is, Tristan is not a good guy. Yeah, he makes and breaks about six hearts a day, but he does it to everybody. Girls...and guys."


                  "It's rare for him to be seriously interested, especially if they are a 'competition'. When he likes someone, he likes to have as much fun as possible."


                  "If he's taken an interest in you..."



                  "Oh my god, you're doing it again. SO WHAT YOU FLUFFIN RETARD?!"

                  "SO,..." He shrugged. "He's a sadist."


Listen, Don't Touch ~BOYXBOY~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora