He shifts his gaze to me and smiles before standing infront of me with his hand held out to shake mine.

"The lovely Miss Collins, nice to see you again"

I nod briskly and give his hand a light shake before pulling away again.

Suddenly, a girl with striking pink hair comes up to him from behind with two drinks in her hand. She hands one over to him then they start making out infront of us. I turn to Ash with a disgusted look on my face and to my suprise he has the same look plastered on his face already. I suddenly have the urge to laugh but I conceal it with a cough, not wanting to be an idiot and start unwanted drama.

Soon Brody pulls away from the girl and takes a sip of his drink. He kept his eyes on me and I felt slightly uncomfortable as a grin widens across his face.

"Baby, why don't you say hello to your old friend" He says with a look of amusement on his face, pulling his girl forward by her arm.

I focus my eyes on her for a bit, trying to figure out who she is and why Brody thinks I know her. I scanned her from head to toe, nothing much was familiar.

She had on a short pink dress with those fishnet sorta panty hose on, it looked like it except hers had little holes here and there. She looked like the type of girl you'd find swinging on a pole at Club Toxic. But who am I to judge? Maybe she has a reason for expressing herself like this.

I glanced down at her shoes and gaped when I saw them. Boots. Black boots with striking pink ribbons for laces. Just above the ankle. Nope, it can't be. I shifted abit, slightly moving to the right just so I could see the side of it. And there it was. Written with a thick coat of white twink. M&K.

My god. It can't be. I gasped and looked back up to her face. It can't be her.

"Looks like little miss unpopular has a life now" she spat before lifting her glass to her lips.

"M--. . .Marissa?" I stuttered, taking in her appearance. I couldn't recognise her because of the thick dark makeup and the change of hair color. What has she done to herself? I can't believe I couldn't recognise her, we had been friends for a long time.

She turned to Brody and linked her arm in his before turning away.

"Let's get away from here before she starts talking to me."

The look she gave me was hateful. Even through all that makeup, I could see the hatred in her eyes. I was nothing to her and the worst part is I didn't know what I had done.

I lowered my gaze, focusing on absolutely nothing. I thought by now she would have given our friendship a second chance but judging from her body language tonight, she doesn't want me in her life. If only I could go back in time and change things, we would still be best friends. But I can't, and that is what hurts the most.

"I think we should call it a night, love" Ash's soothing voice shoots through my ear, calming my nerves. I nod slowly and look up to face him, a dull expression on my face.

"It's her loss, angel. Trust me."

. . . ♡

We said our goodbyes and I had a teary farewell with Elena, promising her I'd see her whenever I was in Eastbrook. Alexis passed us on our way out but didn't say anything, she just waltzed past and ran her hand over Ash's chest, while smirking at me. Ash swatted her hand away and swore at her but she only laughed in return. I've come to a conclusion that she's psycho as well.

"Where are we going?" I ask curiously as Ash misses the turn to campus. Instead he heads back into town.

"Somewhere special" He replies, not giving me any hints. I feel a smile etch back on my face. I look down at my hands, trying desperately to hide it.

"Aww! You're blushing" He announces, like it's the best thing in the world.

"No I'm not!" I answer back, burying my face in my hands.

I am blushing, like the weirdo that I am.

After I'm done gushing over my boyfriend and his mysterious self, I lean back and wind the window down, letting the cold air fill the car.

From the corner of my eye I see Ash chuckle at me and shake his head. He reaches for the radio, probably to turn it on.

Few seconds later music fills the car, loud and. . .Oh yes! It's Something Just Like This by Coldplay & The Chainsmokers.

Ash laughs hysterically as I start singing loudly, completely out of tune. I didn't care at all, this is my favorite band and I'll sing as loud as I wanted.

"Chris Martin's voice is so intoxicating" I shout over the music, dancing in my seat.

"If you think so, yeah" Ash shouts back, just as loud.

He continues to drive us to wherever we're going, I lean back and continue singing along till the end. Soon as the song ends, Ash turns the radio down.

"Woo! That was just what I needed" I exclaimed, laughing at my tipsy self.

"You were like a ball of energy, you know" Ash says, grinning at me.

"Always- -when it comes to a song I love" I informed him earning a nod from him.

I leaned back and exhaled loudly, running a hand through my wild hair. The wind blew through the car and through my hair, leaving it all over the place. It was nice though. I felt so carefree.

Suddenly I squealed when I heard what's on the radio. I quickly turned up the volume and started singing along, kicking off my heels in the process. I could hardly sit still.

"Miiidnigghhttt Memoooriees Oh-Oh ohhh ohhh!---"

"Baby you and me, stumbling in the street, singing - singing - singing - singingggg" Ash joins in.

"You know the words?!" I bellowed, completely amused.

"Uh huh" Ash replies, nodding his head.

I smiled to myself. This feeling was amazing. Able to sing out loud with someone I love and who loves me, it's enchanting.

This side of Ash I rarely get to see. He's always uptight and in control, it's nice to see him let loose. As I watch him belt out the words and sing at the top of his lungs, I notice how much I've fallen for this bad boy.

He's definitely trouble no doubt about that. Any sane girl would run for the hills but then here I am, riding shotgun in his Chevy, singing at the top of my lungs, living in the moment.

I'm insane, yes.

But so is he.

29/5 today is my BIRTHDAY! I turn 22 🎁🎉🎊 Hope everyone is enjoying their day xo 💥

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