Chapter 57

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I stared at Dani, waiting for her to give me some kind of help, any kind. I was desperate to find a solution to this.

"You're not going to like what I'm about to say, K" Dani said, moving to sit beside me.

I took a deep breath and exhaled, ready to hear what wise words she had to say. For someone who's single, she actually knows what to say. ..well, most of the time.

"Kaia. You're my friend and I love you and I respect how you feel and how your mind works but girl, you're never gonna move forward if you keep hiding out" Dani said straight to my face.

"What do you mean? I asked curiously.

"You're gonna hide from him and avoid him. ..and you'll keep doing that for the rest of your year here".

"Is that such a bad thing?" I asked, knowing damn well it is.

"How will you enjoy college if you're constantly worried about running into Ash everywhere you go? You practically use our room as a hideout when you're not at class. Come on Kaia!" Dani said, her hands flying around everywhere.

I took a second to think about what she's saying. Dammit, she was absolutely right. I am hiding from him and I am using our room as a hideout. That definitely needs to change!

"What should I do?" I asked seriously. I guess it's finally time I put this heartbreak to rest and move on. If he can, why can't I?

"Step one is to forgive. It's dreadfully painful but doll you have to in order to heal and carry on. So if you see him and he apologizes for all wrongdoings, just acknowledge it. Say you forgive him. You'll automatically feel much better inside. Okay?".

"You're such a natural. You and your facts. But yes, I will do it. Even though I don't wanna and it's hard. I know I have to" I replied, determined as ever to get this behind me.

"Great! So next is to say you can be friends. That's if he wants to. Or maybe you can suggest it- it's totally up to you.  Whether you still want him in your life as a friend or you want him completely gone" Dani explained and I listened contently to her. Damn she knew her stuff. Has she experienced this before? I should ask her sometime.

"Okay. ..befriend. I can manage that. What's next?" I asked, feeling a bit of hope inside.

"Just play it cool. No stress, that's all. Once everything is fine- you'll know it. Just have fun" she said, messing up my hair and walking to the bathroom.

That was all I had to do. Now it was up to me. I fricking hope I can do this. It's affecting my life and I don't like it. Why am I the only one that's in pain? Ash is out and about, mingling with different girls and I'm here sulking. How did he get over me so fast? Maybe he didn't like me at all.

My phone beeped signalling a new text. I grabbed and opened it up, it was a chain message that came from Elena to everyone that would be attending her farewell.

Hey guys! Just wanted to let y'all know that my party will be held @ Cardo's (out the back) on the 25th of March which is like 2 wks from now. Hope 2 see you ALL guys! Xx

"Oh great! It had to be that place!" I groaned out loud.

Wait a minute, it's not supposed to affect me. I'm supposed to be on the track of moving forward. Okay, I'm not going to let Alexis get to me. What if Yvonne shows up there? Oh no. ..

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