Chapter 40

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Kaia's P.O.V:
I can't control my anger when I see that girl walk in. If I knew she would be here I wouldn't have agreed to come. I feel like walking up to her and giving her a tight slap, but Ash's mom is here and I don't want to cause a scene. We only just met and I want her to like me.

I take a sip of my water and continue to look down. I hope she doesn't speak to me, that's the last thing I want.

I finished off the rest of my plate in silence. I didn't want to look up because if I looked at Yvonne, I might just snap. She sat beside Shawn with a fake smile and the first person she glanced at was me. I could feel her eyes on me the entire time she was eating but I didn't want to lock eyes with her, I just looked elsewhere.

After dinner, Ash helped his mom clear up so he asked me to wait for him on the balcony. I got up from my seat and walked over to the door, sliding it open and walking out.

The night was beautiful, there were lots of stars in the sky. The air was cool but I didn't mind, it helped cool down my anger.

"Lovely night ay?" Someone said.

I turned around to see Axel coming up to me with two glasses of champagne in his hands.

"Yeah, great night" I said, accepting a glass from him.
I immediately took a sip. Oh yum.

"So, where you from Miss Kaia?" Axel asks with a smile. He really looks like Ash, but a bit older.

"I'm from Eastbrook, about 2 and a half hours away from here" I replied.

"Wow. Eastbrook? Beautiful little town" Axel said.

"Yeah, it's lovely, especially during summer" I said.

"Mm, yeah" Axel said, sipping his drink.

I look out to the other houses, they all looked the same, massive. I took a seat on the outdoor couch and turned to Axel who was leaning on the balcony.

"How long will you be here for?" I asked curiously.

He finished off his drink before replying.

"About a month or so, not quite sure love" He said.

"Oh alright. Well, I bet Ash must be excited to see you, right?" I said with a smile, remembering how Ash told me how close he used to be with his brother before their family got split apart.

Axel sighed before answering my question.
"I don't think he's happy to see me. I mean maybe he does, but we insult each other so much, it's kinda hard to tell" He laughed.

Axel told me a few stories of when they were younger. He told me about how Ash was obsessed with hairspray in middle school and how he would steal Axel's girls in high school. Looks like he had quite the reputation.

I look inside towards the dining area and notice Yvonne talking to Shawn and James. She flips her colored hair a lot of times. Probably deciding which one of them she's taking home.

"You don't like her much?" Axel asks and I jump because he's now right next to me on the couch.

"Hate her, actually" I replied.

"Mm yeah, I have that vibe too. Not a very good one" He said, eyeing Yvonne.

"Why did your mom invite her here? I understand Shawn and James, but why her?" I asked.

"Well darling, it's shocking to hear but Yvonne was once a very close friend" Axel replied.

My eyes went wide with shock. How can she be a close friend when she tried to ruin me and Ash? Some friend she is.

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