Chapter 23

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Ash's P.O.V:
I lead her into my room and shut the door behind us, locking it.
She takes a seat on my couch and looks around my room.

"I haven't tidied up in a bit, can you tell?" I ask her.

She laughs at my silly question. I love how her dimples look. I only asked that so I could hear her laugh.

She doesn't know that I fucking curse so much. I try to be on my best behavior when I'm around her.

"Your room looks alright. Good enough for a guy to stay in" she says.

"Should I be offended or something love?" I ask.

"Not trying to offend you. Come sit with me. Talk to me" she says, patting the empty space beside her.

"Did you miss me?" I asked as I took a seat.

"I kinda did, but I was more worried actually" she admits. She's looking down at the floor again. I swear this girl just doesn't listen.

"Do you wanna know what happened, love?" I ask her nervously, not sure on how she would react.

"Yes please" she replied.

I could kiss her right now. She's being so polite, it's crazy. I can never be as good of a person as her. She's an angel.

"Well as you know, I got handcuffed. They took me down to the station and started asking me all sorts of questions".

"What kind of questions?" She asked curiously.

"They asked who my dealer was or if I was the dealer myself. I denied, saying I have absolutely no idea where it came from. They're gonna run prints and that's okay with me because my prints aren't on it".

She listened carefully to every word I said. I could tell she was a great listener. She's probably a good friend too. Maybe that's why I like her so much, because she reminds me of all the things I'm not. But I feel like I can be, with her.

"Do you have any idea who would sabotage you like this?" She asks me.

"I'm not sure love. It could be anyone. Maybe some guy who hates my guts or maybe someone who's after my dad, trying to take him down. I've dealt with that in the past. That's why my dad bailed me out this morning. He was too afraid that the cops would trace the package back to him and he'd lose everything. He had to save himself, even if it meant bailing out his not-so-favorite son.

"Well, at least you're out and I get to see you again".

She smiles a shy half smile after saying that. I can tell she wasn't really sure whether to say it or not. Maybe it slipped out.
I'm crazy about her. I can't get her out of my mind. I see her grey eyes everytime I close mine.
I can't escape her. I'm fucking losing it, big time.

"Yes beautiful, and also there's a party happening this Saturday. I want you to meet me there".

She stands up and pretends to think.
"Hmm.. I'm not sure if I'll be available. I have another date scheduled for Saturday night, but I'll be in touch. If you're lucky enough you might just get a text" she says as she steps past me and lets herself out.

She looked at me up and down as if she was checking me out. I swear shes really got me hooked.
I wanted to kiss her so badly but she walked out. Oh well I'll get my kiss on Saturday I guess.

The old me didn't have to wait two days for a kiss from any girl. I got it the second I wanted it. Any girl willingly would submit to me. And I took advantage of that a lot. Until her, she makes it worth the wait
I wouldn't want to have anyone else.

Elena texted me and said she would try and find out who did this to me. I just wanna move on but she's my friend and if she wants to help then I'll let her.

I haven't been to any of my classes since they started but thank goodness most of the stuff is available online. Why are we even here then. Fuck.

I look at the pack of cigarettes on the table. I fight the urge to light one up. I'm trying to break the habit all on my own. I walk over, pick up the pack and toss it in the bin. Step one done.

My mum heard I got arrested. Let's just say she wasn't really pleased. She was happy when I told her I made bail. She cursed so much when I said dad paid. Oh mum, I miss her so much.

I grab my camera and head out. I need some air to clear my mind. All this thinking is driving me up the wall.

I walk down to the park and sit on a bench. I set my camera and start taking pictures. I hope these pictures come out good, the wind blowing the leaves off the trees look great, I'm glad I captured it.

I can't believe I'm sitting here on a park bench taking pictures.
If I were the old me, I would be drunk already, probably smoking something in the corner of a small bar. No wonder dad can't stand me, I'm such a f**k up.

I don't know why I'm trying to be something I'm not. I have to tell Kaia soon, that this isn't the real me. But what if she doesn't speak to me again? That's what I'm most afraid of. I just got her to hang with me, I wanna ask her to be my girl-- but I have to f***ing tell her the truth sooner or later. I don't know how long I can keep up this good boy act.

As I'm deep in thought and snapping away, this prick comes up to me.

"Heard you got cuffed" Brody says, smirking like the b***h he is.

"That's none of your business, mate" I spat. I hate this guy.

"Of course it is, you twat. If you tell the cops anything I'll go down and so will your dad and everyone else. Get that in your head".

"I f*****g know okay! I didn't say anything. I don't even know how it got there. Maybe you planted it there" I said to him.

"Don't be a dumbass Ashton, why the f**k would I do that? And risk getting caught".

"I don't know. You're a d*ck so I assumed you did it. But I didn't tell the cops so shut up".

Brody offers me his cigarette and I kindly decline, knowing him it's probably laced with some shit.

"Since when you don't smoke? Good girl got you working hard for it? You're such a wuss, like your new attitude mate" Brody says, laughing at me.

"There's no way she won't find out about you bro, who you really are, all the shit you've done. I could whisper some shit in her pretty ear...."

"Don't you f*****g dare" I said, standing and looking him straight in his eyes.

I'll tell her on Saturday, at the party -- so shut your big mouth till then.

Life Of Kaia (Complete)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora