Chapter 68

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Ash's P.O.V:
"I'm bored, go get me a smoke" I said, shoving at Axel's shoulder. He was sitting on the chair beside my bed, knocked out.

"You're not allowed to smoke" He replied sleepily.

"Well, can you fucking entertain me? It's bad enough that this place is shit" I said, throwing a bandage at his face.

"I'm not a clown, Ash. Now, we can talk if you like" He said, sitting up straight.

"Talk about what? Your hideous taste in fashion? Or maybe your failed model career" I said, laughing. I held onto my stomach as I laughed, it still hurt. The nurse said not to laugh alot or even have a puff, I can't wait to get the fuck outta here.

"Actually, for your information -- my modelling career is perfectly fine now thanks to the gorgeous Miss Collins" Axel said, pulling out his phone.

"You saying you got people knocking on your door wanting to work with you because of my girl?" I asked, suprised.

"That's exactly what I'm saying, bro. She has reintroduced me into the modelling world" He said, showing me James' website.

I love James' work, he's talented- no doubt. I just don't like the idea of my angel being on his main page like that, where everyone can see her and admire her. She's practically the star of his damn site! I scroll through model profiles and I come across hers. She looks so beautiful with her hair let out in loose waves and her sweet grey eyes looking right into the camera.

"Stop tripping, I can practically see you drooling!" Axel said, laughing at my reaction.

"How can I not? She looks amazing. Especially this latest shoot by the old carnival ground. The dress looks cute on her but I think she loved the shoes more" I said, grinning.

Those boots are definitely her type. Reminds me of her weird obsession with ankle boots and how she loved to wear them with almost everything. I miss being around her so much. I can't wait to get out of here so I can see her again, that would be the best medicine to ease all this pain.

"Yeah, she's special. You should keep her around" Axel said, putting his phone back in his jeans pocket.

"Of course I will, you don't even have to fucking tell me" I replied, thinking about how dumb my brother actually is to think that's not what I dream of -- keeping her around.

"I'm going down to get some food, want anything?" Axel asked, standing up from the chair.

"A blunt" I replied with a serious face, hoping he would be dumb enough to get it.

"Fuck off! Listen to that nurse or you'll be in here longer and Kaia would have to go to Elena's farewell with me" Axel said, straightening up his jacket.

"In your dreams! She'll always be mine, you can go fuck yourself!" I replied, laughing at him.

Soon as Axel left, the nurse knocked on the door. I sat upright as she came in for her second checkup for the day. She had my t-shirt up and examined my stomach area.

"It's healing up alright, the bruises are starting to go away but I can tell it's still painful" she said, writing down notes.

"Yea" I nodded, wondering when I could put my shirt down, her staring was a little uncomfortable.

"As for your face, the bruises are going away. Your jaw looks alright and these cuts should be gone by tomorrow" she said, tilting my head from left to right with her hand. She jotted down more boring stuff before looking at me once more.

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