Chapter 11

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I stare at the ceiling for a good ten minutes before picking up the phone to read his message.

Why did you walk away again? I only wanted to talk x

I read his message about three times before replying. What could he possibly want to talk about? Ugh.

Look I'm not looking for any trouble.. I am also not interested in whatevr you hav to say, thx.

Why r u being so rude? I find u interesting & I want to get to know u pretty stranger x

I'm only rude 2 u. Now if u don't mind I'm really tired and wanna go 2 bed. Goodnight!

I place my phone back on the sidetable and switch off my lamp, not interested in waiting for a reply from him. I lie down on my left side and soon fall asleep.


I wake up around nine AM and stay in bed till Ally comes in half an hour later, demanding I get up.

"Ally, please... I'm seriously still tired and I'd really appreciate it if you went and bugged someone else okay?" I say to her from under my pillow.

Ally grabs the pillow from on top of my head, then throws it back at me.

"Get up! You have, like, three new messages--and if you don't get up I'm going to open them and read them out loud!" Ally says smartly.

"Don't you dare!" I say, grabbing her and pulling her onto my bed. I throw my big blanket over her and bury her under a pile of pillows.

Ally kicks and squeals like a seven-year-old. We laugh and laugh till our stomachs hurt.

"I'm gonna miss you, sis," Ally says, holding my hands in hers.

"I'll miss you too, Allyson," I reply, hugging her tightly.

"Okay, that's enough mush! I'm going down for breakfast. Read your texts, then come down," Ally says, throwing a pillow in my face before leaving my room.

I stand up and make my bed, straightening the sheets and folding the blanket. I put all the pillows straight, then sit back down on my bed.

I pick up my phone and realise that Ally wasn't joking, I really do have messages, but from whom?

Looks like this one is from Marissa, sent this morning:

Gud mrning! I'll be over at 1pm k.
i hv a major headache rn. See ya xoxox

I laugh at Marissa's message. She probably drank a lot last night and who knows how she got home after I left.

The next two messages were from the same person. Him.

Ok then..goodnight pretty stranger. Talk to u tomorrow x


Good morning.. I can't stop thinkin abt you. Txt me when u get this x

Oh my gosh! No... no... no there is no way I'm going to reply to that. Uh-uh!

I put my phone back on the sidetable and head to the bathroom. I brush my teeth and wash my face, then floss and moisturize my face. I put my hair up into a ponytail and step out of the bathroom area.

I change out of my pj's and into my sweatpants and a tank top, then head downstairs for some breakfast.

Ally sits on a stool at the kitchen counter with her phone in her hands, a cup of coffee in front of her. Dad is at the dining table reading the paper.

Suddenly, I smell pancakes. Delicious, I say in my head. Mom appears from the other end of the kitchen with a stack of pancakes and syrup.

"For me?" I say with my eyes wide. This is just what I need right now.

"Good morning, and yes, the pancakes are for you," Mom says as she pats my back.

I sit opposite from Dad and dig into my pancakes. Ally walks over with her coffee and a glass of orange juice.

"Here" she says as she places the glass in front of me.

"Thanks," I say after swallowing.

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