Chapter 47

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I drove to James' place anxious as hell. What the fuck was this twat up to with my girl. I swear I'll end him if it's bad. She's mine!

I storm all the way up and bang on his door. I could hear him swearing from the inside. That doesn't fucking scare me. He should be scared of me.

I try to calm down real quick before he opens the door. Anger won't solve anything. ..right now, that is.

"Ash mate, could you knock like a more civilised person, ay?" James says as he opens the door to let me in.

I entered and looked around his apartment. Everything looked the same except for his studio.

"What's going on in there?" I asked, looking at his studio.

James shut the door and came to stand beside me.

"Setting it up for my next project. Why?" James asked.

"What's your next project?" I asked impatiently.

"Not what mate, who. It's Kaia. Well it was supposed to be if she would have called me" James said and I looked at him like he was crazy.

"Excuse me. Did you ask her? What makes you think she would agree?" I asked him, angry that he would even think like this.

James chuckled at me and I swear I could punch that look off his face any second now.

"I've spoken to Kaia, believe it or not. And she agreed. We're friends now, to be honest" James said with a smirk.

"Oh really? When?" I asked smartly. He better stop fucking around.

"Wednesday morning" He said quickly before walking to his room.

I glared at him. Did he just fucking say Wednesday?! I thought she left early that day, how could this prick have spoken to her. He's making me fucking pissed off right now.

"Wait a fucking minute!" I called out as he continued to walk away.

"What?" He shouted from his room.

I walked over there and stood by his door. He was sitting at his work desk going through the computer.

"Where did you see her?" I asked him, looking him dead in the eyes.

"Have you talked to Axel about anything?" He asked, confusing me even fucking more.

I sighed loudly, this bitch is wasting my time.

"I was with Axel earlier, no, he didn't tell me shit! Now spill it or you'll regret ever holding anything against me!" I spat.

James looked at me wide-eyed, clearly he thought I came to play. Well he was bloody wrong.

He stands up from his seat and walks towards me, running his fingers through his hair. He looked like he was holding the nation's secrets. Asshole.

"Look, mate. ..I don't want to be in the middle of this. Both Axel and you are my mates. And Kaia's a good friend too, now. So, just leave me out of this drama, okay?" James asks. The look in his eyes is sincere. That's fucking rare.

"Alright, just tell me mate. I'm bloody dying to know" I said,  pleading with him.

"Axel and Kaia were here that night mate. ..after the whole scenario" James said.

"Here? Why?!" I said, my heart beating faster at the mention of Kaia with Axel.

"Kaia needed a place to crash, she didn't wanna go to her room, so she crashed here" James said, looking at me. I could tell he wasn't making this up.

"Where exactly?!" I asked impatiently. He better pray if he says it was in his room.

"Don't get all angry mate, she used the spare room in the studio" James said, holding up his hands in mock surrender.

Okay so it's somehow coming together now. She took off from the dinner, probably roamed around then came here afterwards.

"It's a good thing Axel dropped her off here safely" I said to James, actually thankful my brother did something right.

"Well yeah. ..he practically stayed over" James said, chuckling.

"I'm sorry, what?!" Did he just freaking say that my fucking brother stayed over.

No, I must have heard that wrong. Heh.

"Yeah, he kind of left with her the next morning. The morning that I talked to her about my project" James said.

I walked over to the couch and took a seat. Fucking blown away by what James was telling me.
James follows me and sits opposite me on the other couch, a look of sympathy washed over his face.

"Are you absolutely sure he stayed over?" I asked him, hoping he would say he didn't stay.

"Yeah mate, he dropped Kaia at her room the next morning" James said, looking down at the carpet.

I didn't know what else to say. This must be Axel's way of payback for all the girls I stole off him. Fuck.

"Do you know if they. .did anything?" I asked weirdly.

James looks at me with disgust.

"Fuck! ASHTON! I don't bloody know. Go ask Axel dammit!" James said, fucking weirded out by my question.

I stood up and walked to the front door. I have no idea what I'm gonna do to Ax once I get a hold of him.

"Thanks mate" I said to James before letting myself out of his apartment.

"No problem" He shouts once I'm outside.

I walk slowly back to my car and just sit there. I don't know what to do now. Maybe this is why Kaia hasn't contacted me. Maybe it's because she's with Axel now.

My own brother, who's been comforting me alot lately.  He slept with my girl.

That's it, I'm gonna kill him.

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