Chapter 61

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As I walked down the staircase I could hear voices from downstairs. The man spoke in a very aggressive way, I could hear it in his tone. Then there was dad's voice, calm and firm. Soon as Alexis caught sight of me her eyes went wide. She clearly didn't know I would be here.

"I believe you haven't met my boys, Mr. Ramirez. This is Axel and the other is Ashton" dad said, introducing us.

"Well, it's nice to meet you both, but unfortunately I'm not here for silly introductions, I'm here to collect what your wife owes me" He said sternly.

"Okay, calm down. How much exactly are we talking about?" Axel asked.

"Look. How about we sit down first" dad suggested, gesturing to the couches that surrounded us.

Mr. Ramirez and awfully quiet Alexis took a seat and I watched as he pulled out some papers from his briefcase.
Dad sat on an arm chair and Axel and I sat opposite them on a couch.

"She owes me alot of money. Hasn't been in contact for the past few months. I'm getting more angrier by the day, I want my money and I want it now!" He spat.

"How did you find this place?" I asked, curious to know how they got here. I'm pretty sure this place is new.

"It was quite easy. See, I have a friend on campus and let's just say she's been very helpful lately" Alexis said with a wink.

"You b--"

"Easy, brother. .." Axel said in my ear, draping an arm over my shoulder.

"How much?" Dad asked, eyeing Alexis and her father.

"A hundred thousand dollars. Cash" He said, handing the paperwork over to dad.

After dad took a look at the papers, he handed it back to Mr. Ramirez and shook his head.

"I'm sorry Al, but I can't give you the money. See, I've just started my own business and I'm afraid I'd lose everything if I just hand it over to you" dad said, trying to reason with Mr. Ramirez.

"I don't care about your stupid business! Your wife borrowed money from me with the promise of returning every single cent. I'm here to collect, not sympathize about your business" He said, grabbing the papers from dad.

"Alright" dad said, standing up. "Give me a month. I'll return your money, you have my word".

"I hope so, Mr.Parker- or things will end badly for your wife" Mr. Ramirez said, shaking dad's hand.

I glared at my father. I couldn't believe he would allow his business to suffer a loss and possibly close just for the sake of our mother! I shook my head, utterly disappointed in his decision. As soon as those snakes left, I turned to dad to ask him why.

"I don't understand, dad. Why are you fixing her problems? You aren't married anymore- this shouldn't be your problem. She made a huge mistake loaning from a guy like Al Ramirez, she should be the one to pay!" I spat. I was so mad at dad for doing this and I was furious at mum since I learnt of her true self. I wish the day would just end, I've fucking had it!

"I will try to contact your mother but if worse comes to worse, I'll have to make one more deal. I just hope it doesn't come to that" He said sternly, walking up the staircase.

"I fucking hope it doesn't too! 'cause I don't wanna be a part of it!" I shouted, loud enough so he could hear it.

I walked back to Axel who was now knocked out on the couch. I swear, this bastard falls asleep so fucking much. I should put him in a coma, that would be better for him.

"Wake the fuck up!" I growled, shoving at his shoulder.

"Jeez, Ash! What the hell?! Can't a brother get some sleep around here, yeah?" He said, stretching out on the couch.

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