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You're welcome ;)
If anyone hasn't seen my latest post on my account you should go check it out, Im anxiously awaiting the questions to come in.
Love you all, LIVV <3

The afternoon turned into night and the stars shone brightly all over Fiore. The Fairy Tail guild looked up at the skies that night and knew it was a message from Lucy's Celestial Spirits- they were aware of the problem at hand, their magic restored and they were ready to fight.

Natsu didn't see the sky that night however, he stayed in Lucy's apartment. He walked around solemnly, taking in all the details he failed to notice earlier. There was one wall, it held a stove fireplace, above the fireplace was a wood mantle. Lucy had hung it there herself years before, shortly after she moved into her apartment. On top of the mantle was a box, this box gleamed in the moonlight. It was made out of a metal that was painted black with gold detailing. On both sides of the box was small plants, it was normal for Lucy to have plants in her apartment. She loved bringing the outdoors in and taking care of all living things. But as Natsu walked around Lucy's small apartment he bumped into this mantle, and when he bumped this mantle- the black metal box fell. Natsu immediately jumped back at the sound of his collision with Lucy's mantle

"Natsu! Watch where you're going! I know you're sad but-"

"Happy- look." Natsu pointed to what had fallen out of the box. Letters, hundreds of them, poured out of the box and spilled all over the floor. Natsu bent down, picking them up to restore them to their box, however, they caught his attention and Natsu couldn't help but notice the titles. 

'Dear Mama,'

'You wouldn't believe how my life has changed in the past six months... Papa has been well.... especially Natsu. He's a fireball, literally...I will be safe, as always and I know Natsu will be there to save me if anything goes wrong...'

Natsu skimmed the letters, his face perplexed. Why would Lucy write letters to her mother? The mother that died at a young age? Lucy had been writing letters to her deceased mother for as far back as Natsu could read. Every letter was more and more depressing. Natsu stopped looking back, he found more recent letters. His curiosity overwhelmed him and he delved more into Lucy's life, he thought he knew everything about the Celestial Mage but she had kept secrets even from him.

'Dear Father,'

This letter was titled one year later, Natsu hoped that she stopped writing letters because he had made her happy at Fairy Tail, but then her father died and Natsu knew how she felt. He could sympathize with her, why didn't she just come to him?

'I'm happy and I finally belong... I've found amazing people like Natsu... and Erza, Wendy, Levy, and Gray... they're my family...'

Natsu found himself shaking. He felt bad that he never noticed how Lucy was really feeling, he was supposed to be her best friend, her partner. She was the first person Happy and Natsu invited to join Team Natsu.

Natsu found another letter addressed to Lucy's mother.

'Dear Mom,'

'Some days I feel really down and other days I feel happy. Some days I feel guilty for being so happy when you're gone....'

Natsu had to put the letter down so he wouldn't tear it with how bad he was shaking. He felt as if he couldn't control himself. Happy would pick up every letter after Natsu finished reading it and skim it. Happy was silent, so was Natsu. They were both in shock.

'Dear Mama'

'Yukino is dead'

Natsu stopped reading, he didn't realize how many letters he had been through, this one was recent, too recent for his liking. It made him shake with memories flooding his head of the previous days but he read on. He had to know everything in order to save Lucy, that's all that mattered to him anymore.

'Sting gave me her keys.... she said in her final breath she wanted me to have them....I've lost a friend... gained all 12 of the golden keys of the zodiac....I haven't contracted with them yet... I'm scared.....what if people expect something amazing from me...I can't even match Natsu strength yet... what do I do? I'm the only Celestial Mage left...'

Lucy was trying to match his power? Did she feel weak? And scared to possess all 12 keys because she was afraid someone would expect too much of her? Natsu was boiling, he didn't know if it was anger or sadness, all he knew was that he was shaking and couldn't stop. Lucy felt alone, while Natsu was right there. How could he let such a thing happen? He continued reading on.


'It's late....Layla, could it be you? I'm going to find out.'

This was the day Natsu found Lucy passed out in her chair, she felt a connection to her mother, why didn't Natsu offer to help? Why was Natsu so blind?

Natsu found another letter addressed to Lucy's father, he quickly skimmed it. Lucy had emerged herself in this puzzle she created it, Lucy's gut was never wrong. Natsu knew that, why didn't he trust her the first time she said she had a bad feeling.

Natsu read more and more becoming more involved in Lucy's letters, trying to understand where he went wrong and how he let his guard down so easily in the worst time possible. Natsu cursed himself again, he should have known better. Lucy still felt as if she was the weak link in Team Natsu, how could she think such a thing? Natsu never thought of her as a burden. He loved going on adventures with her. Sure, she wasn't physically the same strength as Natsu or Erza, but her brain. She figured out puzzles and logic quicker than anyone on Team Natsu, she was incredible.

Lucy's letters gave Natsu more information about Kuro and his magic, Natsu didn't know Kuro's full plan- but he knew that he was going to save Lucy from it. She deserved a happy and peaceful life full of adventure, just like she wanted. Not a life of fear, constantly looking over her shoulder in fear of the worse.

Then, Natsu came across a letter that made his breath stop in his chest. He stared at it, his pupils dilated, shaking he could barely read the letter.

He never thought in a million years, Lucy would write a letter to him.

'Dear Natsu,'

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