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Dear Mom,
I miss you so so much.. Some days I feel really down and some days I feel happy. Some days I feel you with me when I'm with my celestial spirits and some days I don't. It feels selfish to live so happily in this life without you. I know you would have wanted me to be happy b-but it's so h-hard sometimes.-
Lucy stopped writing. Her tears started to stain the paper. She folded the paper, set it in a box with the others and left her room.

We returned to the guild slightly after sundown. It was an eerie quiet. I could never remember being in the guild after dark if there wasn't something going on. But here Happy and I stood, only a couple of lights were on and almost no one was here. "Lucy! You're back! How was it?" Mirajane distracted me from my thoughts. She stood behind the bar like normal cleaning a glass. "Hey Mirajane, it was good. Where's Natsu?" Mirajane pointed upstairs towards Masters office. "Still?" she nodded. "Go on up there, Lucy, I'm worried about them." I walked up the stairs with Happy flying above me, "Don't bother knocking Lucy! Go on in!" Mirajane called out to me. I nodded mentally taking in her information. I opened Masters door, preparing myself for the worse but instead I found it very calm. Ezra was sitting in the chair closest to the door, Natsu stood behind her and Gray stood next to the other chair. Master's head was down but still said "Hello Lucy," I don't know how he knew it was me but that was the least of my worries as of right now. "What's going on?" I asked, closing the door behind me. "I'm sorry Lucy, this is one thing we can't share with you" Ezra spoke up, getting out of her chair and facing me, I frowned, they were acting very strange. "Natsu?" I turned to face him, certainly Natsu would tell me. "D-Don't ask me.." He turned around quickly. I looked past him to Gray who was hiding his face, "I don't guess you'll tell me anything either, Gray?" He shook his head silently. I put my hand on the door, getting ready to turn around and leave but Master stopped me. "Lucy, how was your job?" I huffed, I thought he would tell me something, anything. "It was fine. Goodnight." Leaving Happy and everyone behind me I headed towards the guilds exit. "Luce! Lucy wait!" I heard Natsu coming behind me and I only walked faster, he grabbed my shoulder. "At least let me walk you home." "I'm perfectly fine of taking care of my self Natsu." I turned around quickly waking out of the guild. I made sure I was a good distance away before I started crying. Three of my best friends are now holding a grave secret from me. I just know it, I saw the look on their faces. I started running, the tears fell faster. I never would have thought Natsu would keep secrets from me. I thought we had a closer bond. I reached my apartment as shut the door behind me and made sure to shut my windows too. I didn't want Natsu showing up tonight or this morning.

I slept restlessly that night, tossing and turning. I woke up with the moon shining through my open window that was flapping widely. I growled silently to myself and shut my window once more. I walked sluggishly to my bathroom and splashed water on myself. I looked in the mirror. My room was now eerily quiet, I looked around, silence. I grabbed my keys and held them protectively to my side, ready to summon anyone at my will.

I jumped, "I OPEN THEE GATE OF THE LION LOKI" Loki appeared at a moments noticed "It's Natsu." "Geez Lucy, I cant believe you pulled a spirit on me". I relaxed "Well that's what you get flame brain for sneaking into my house at what- THREE AM after what happened yesterday! I'm sorry for calling you Loki," He disappeared. "It's not a problem."

"Lucy... that's why I'm here." I stopped to listen to him. "I cant believe I let you go run off crying and not go after you and I know I hurt you and it's literally eating me away I couldn't sleep" I stopped him. "The gesture is nice Natsu. But Im fine now. It's whatever." He looked at my with those dark onxy eyes and I had to look away. "Luce.. let me tell you something." He grabbed my hand and turned me around to face him. "Lucy, the reason I was so distraught earlier was because of what Gramps was telling us..." He took a break "It was about you."

Fairy Tail: Light of Two WorldsWhere stories live. Discover now