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"You know, I should have insisted you marry at the same time as your brother," Thorin observed to his nephew and heir one September night as they both relaxed in the dwarf king's rooms. "Then perhaps I'd have some peace and quiet of an evening." This was the second time this sennight that Fíli had visited his uncle at the end of the day. The young dwarf still lived in the suite he had once shared with his brother; those quarters must be quiet and lonely without Kíli's friendly chatter.

Fíli grinned, not at all deceived by Thorin's complaint, and handed his uncle a glass of whiskey.

"Just wait, Uncle," Fíli said as he sank back into his own chair. "You'll be the one calling on me next year because you've no-one to smoke with after dinner."

Thorin grunted, amused. "I know better than to show up where I'm not wanted. Or needed."

Fíli colored slightly, but did not argue with this remark. Of course he looked forward to marrying soon so that he could enjoy some uninterrupted privacy with his bride in their new home.

After a slow sip of whiskey, Thorin went on, "I don't expect I'll see much of your brother, either, even when he and Tauriel do return. A babe will take all of their time."

"Oh, surely they won't have one of those for a while yet," Fíli objected. "Tauriel would hardly agree to it so soon! I mean, by her elvish reckoning, they've only been married the equivalent of what, a day or two?" He shook his head, smiling. "They say elves can control that kind of thing, I mean, bearing children. She'll make him wait a few years more, I'm sure."

Thorin chuckled. "Have you ever known your brother not to get what he wants? You told me he does want a family."

Fíli smiled, likely remembering many times his little brother's eager insistence for something had prevailed. "I'm sure he wants some time with Tauriel to himself before they've a babe to look after." The certainty in the young prince's tone suggested he would not wish his own first child to arrive too speedily after the wedding.

"I will be greatly surprised if Tauriel is not with child when she returns with Kíli," Thorin said.

"You can't really think she will be!" Fíli stared at his uncle with lifted brows.

"Fíli," Thorin said, barely keeping the laughter from his voice, "Your brother has nothing to do for the next year but pay attention to his pretty wife. You can't imagine he'll neglect her."

Fíli sighed and looked mildly embarrassed. "No. But I just don't think Tauriel— Well, you know elves are so deliberate and thoughtful about everything they do. She'll at least wait till they're settled at home to, well." He shrugged, apparently not eager to discuss the precise details of Kíli's private life.

"You may be right about elves in general, but Tauriel is certainly not like most elves. She did marry your brother, after all." Thorin suspected Tauriel already was more quick and eager than most of her kind, and her nearness to Kíli seemed to intensify these traits in her. If Kíli wanted a child, he supposed Tauriel could not long resist him. "She will be carrying his babe."

Fíli shook his head. "And I say she won't." He swirled the whiskey in his glass, drank, set the glass down on the side table with a sharp tap. "What do you say to a wager?"

"On Kíli's first babe?" Thorin laughed. "You'll lose, Fíli."

The younger dwarf's eyes glinted merrily. "I won't."

"What stakes do you propose?"

"Mmm..." Fíli rubbed his chin, thinking. "Well, they still need some furniture. I imagine Tauriel would appreciate a sofa and some chairs, perhaps to match that elegant dining set Thranduil gave them. I'll commission something from the elven artisans in Mirkwood. Loser foots the bill. "

Thorin nodded; yes, these were high enough stakes to make the question interesting. Furthermore, Kíli and his bride could hardly be offended to find themselves the subject of such a wager when they benefited either way.

"I accept," he told Fíli. "You place the order. It's best you know what you'll be paying for."

Fíli met his uncle's gaze, a complacent smile on his face. "We'll see about that."


Author's note:

And so this tale ends for now! If you've enjoyed this, please leave me a message; I'd love to hear from you!

I am currently working on a sequel to this story called Spring After Winter and Sun on the Leaves, which you may read over at Archive of our or at Fan Fiction .net. (Please note it is rated "Mature" and therefore will not be posted here on Wattpad.) My username on both those sites is Moonraykir.

If you click on the words "External Link" below next to the social media sharing buttons, it will take you to the AO3 page for the series that this story is a part of. Aside from the sequel, there are several more short companion stories that go with this one. The version of So Comes Snow After Fire on AO3 also includes a longer, unedited version of chapter 29. In addition to the stories in this series, I've also written quite a few other Kili/Tauriel stand-alone stories. Those will not be published here, so head over to Archive of Our Own or Fan Fiction .net to read them!

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