1.i To Drive the Cold Winter Away

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The wind whipped loose snow crystals across the ground and into Fíli's face as he watched his brother go on alone across the white hillside. The icy powder nearly topped his boots, and the low grey skies promised more. Fíli drew his fur-lined hood closer about his face and shifted impatiently from foot to foot. This was no weather to be outside in-it was bitterly cold, with a blizzard coming on-but that fact had only made Kíli more determined to come.

Kíli had been seeing the exiled wood elf every sennight for the last month; nobody else seemed to have noticed that he slipped away for an afternoon now and then. Fíli had been ready to cover for him, and had even accompanied him once, ostensibly scouting the mountainside. He hadn't liked the idea of Kíli going out today, with the storm looming, and so he'd insisted on coming. Though, really, what was he going to do if the snows broke over them but keep his brother company while they both froze in a snowbank? And what about Tauriel: where was she going to go when the storm hit? Fíli had half an idea, but he didn't want to pursue it to the end.

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