Chapter 22

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Alisha POV

I zip up the zipper to my pastel pink dress and slip on some flats and examine myself in the tall mirror on the wall. Even though my clothes look nice. I do not. I have no makeup on and my hair is messily thrown into a bun. I do not need to look nice during a hostage, plus I don't have makeup with me. I sigh and walk away from the mirror and sit myself on the edge of the bed, making it creak a little. I kick my feet as I wait patiently for Luke to open the door.

Finally I hear keys rattling again and some sort of relief washes over me, I hate being locked in a room with no freedom to walkabout.
"Alisha Hamilton?" A deep voice speaks.
"Uh yes" I frown in confusion. The young man nods his head to the side.
"Come with me".
I nod my head and quickly walk over to him. He locks the door and walks me up a few stairs.
"Where are we going?" I finally speak.
"Sir Brooks has requested to have you, quote 'dolled up'" the man answers.
"Dolled up?" I repeat. The man ignores me and continues to walk me to wherever we are going. I look around me, my eyes wondering and being fascinated by my surroundings. The house is very large and antique. It looks like it was built during the seventeen hundreds and has been well looked after. I stop in my tracks and stare at the large paintings on the wall, they're so peaceful and beautiful.
"Miss" the man clears his throat, grabbing my attention.
"Sorry" I quickly say and catch up to the 'escort'.
"Here we are, madam Sinclair will look after you now, I'll be back in half hour" the man nods and closes the door behind me. I gulp and step further into the room.
"Hello?" I call out.
"Alisha! Welcome! Sit sit!" A quite large and stylish lady cheers from what looks like a makeup stand. I give a polite smile and sit down in front of her.
"Sir Brooks has requested we make you beautiful tonight" she bubbles and holds different shades of foundation bottles to my face.
"He's going to kill me isn't he?" I mumble.
"Don't worry my child, he can not harm an angel. Only an angel can harm he, and you my child are his angel" she speaks as he dabs foundation on my face.
"His angel? What is he, some hopeless psycho romantic?" I say in disgust.
"No darling, he thinks you are special, and he wants to make you happy. That is all" Sinclair speaks, going onto her next makeup technique.
"I'd be happy to be home again" I quietly speak and look down trying my hardest not to tear up.
"This is home now darling" Sinclair smiles and rubs my arm soothingly.

After 25 minutes of chatting, putting on makeup and doing hair Sinclair finally places down the hairspray and smiles in accomplishment.
"My gosh you are one beautiful, beautiful girl!". I let out a small laugh.
"Ready to see your look?" Sinclair asks, I nod in response and purse my lips. Sinclair slowly turns the chair around in its place and I come face to face with my reflection.
"Oh my gosh, is that me?" I instantly grin as I stand from the chair and walk closer to the mirror. My face is perfectly contoured, my eyes are smokey and dramatic, my lips are dusted with a deep rose red lipstick and my hair is perfectly pinned up and my bangs curled slightly to frame my face.
"You look lovely Alisha, Luke will be thrilled" Sinclair simply smiles and watches you examine your look in the mirror.
"Sinclair how fancy is this dinner? What's the occasion?" I ask turning around
"Fairly fancy and you are the occasion my dear" Sinclair grins.
"Me? I've just been kidnapped and shipped across the world unconscious" I exclaim. Sinclair opens her mouth to reply but a light knocking interrupts her.
"Come in" she calls out and the same man who walked me here enters dressed in a tux.
"Hello Calum" Sinclair smiles.
"Hello Sinclair" Calum smiles back.
"Your name is Calum?" I smile and Calum nods.
"You look very nice Miss Hamilton, Luke will be very satisfied" Calum compliments.
"Carefull Hood, if Luke caught you going googly eyed for his girl he'd have your head, literally" Sinclair warns. Calum blushes and shakes his head.
"Thankyou Calum" I thank him anyway.
"We best be off" Calum speaks and holds out his arm suggesting that I should take it. I step forward, my dress swaying, and I loop my arm loosely in his.
"Thankyou Sinclair, I'll see you later" I give a small wave.
"Bye darling, remember to smile!" Sinclair smiles and waves before Calum shuts the door and walks you to another lot of stairs.

"How big is this house?" I ask.
"There are 3 floors, the first floor is for servants and members, like myself. The second floor is Luke's, he owns the whole block so we are pretty restricted to the places we can go. And lastly the third floor, I don't really know" he admits
"You don't know?" I frown.
"Yes, no one except Luke himself knows. Not a soul is to go to the third floor" Calum warns.
"You got me curious now" I groan.

Calum walks me to a tall door and opens it, his arm still linked in mine. He leads me to a medium sized room full of people chatting and laughing. A party. Calum walks me through a crowd of people and towards a lounging area, instantly I spot Luke's figure. Luke turns around as we get nearer, he smirks as he looks at me making my cheeks heat up.
"Sir Brooks, Miss Hamilton" Calum nods and hands me over to Luke.
"Thankyou Calum, good job" Luke pats Calum's back and Calum smiles and walks away. The silence between Luke and I is awkward at first. After he grows bored Luke grabs my arm and takes me towards a balcony.

"You look 10/10 babe" luke winks as he leans on the balcony edge.
I let out a girly laugh.
"Way to compliment a woman Brooks. You don't look half bad yourself" I smile.
"What this old thing?" Luke cheekily grins and looks down at his jet black tux and Italian shoes.
"I'm used to seeing you in uniform" I joke.
"Ah that won't be a problem anymore sweetheart"
My smile drops.
"Will I see my family, my home again?" I ask. Luke nods his head as he pushes himself away from the balcony edge and stops next to me.
"If you're a good girl, now come" Luke smirks and walks inside again, me following close behind.

What do you all think so farrrr????? did any of you notice the new story cover? 😏 do you prefer this one or the old one?

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