Chapter 3

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Filler chapter!


"Ah but I do baby, and I think you and I, are going to get along very well"


"Yes I'm sure we will, I tend to get along with most patients" I sass
"Now lets get you back to your cell before they do morning meds" I nod standing up from my place.

"You're very calm around me, why so?" Luke asks, eyes still glued ahead
"Because I am" I answer knowing well it's not the answer he was looking for. "You aren't repulsed by the things I've done? To the elderly, to teenagers, to children.. To young women?" Luke smirked creeping his eyes towards me to see a reaction

"Nope" i lie.

I'm terrified..

"You must like the darkness huh"
I ignore his comment and open the single door to Luke's cell. "Ah home sweet home" luke stretches and lays on his bed, "have fun buddy" I smile
"When's our next session Hamilton? I do enjoy chatting you up alot" luke quizzes sitting up in his bed a cheeky grin on his face.

"I'm booked today, and the reasoning for these sessions mr brooks is to understand why you did your crimes and or talk about your feelings. Ill let you know when I have a place for you" I nod closing and locking the door securely and head out to the kitchen to catch up with my next patient James Yammouni.

Luke POV:

I sit on my shitty bed twiddling with the knife I had hidden at my waist, I'm starting a collection of items I will need in order to break out if this loony house, I need to smart about it too.

I look around my room, scanning every detail, checking for a safe place to hide my stash so it won't be reachable during a room search. The mattress is the first place they'd look.. I groan and throw my head back in frustration when something catches my eye, I smirk "oh you'll do just fine".
I race to my door checking too see if anyone is coming.


I cheekily smirk and stand on my toilet, placing the lid down of course. The toilet is the only place that isn't seen by anyone if they peek through my door, atleast they give us some privacy. I start quietly cutting away at the boarded roofing in the corner of the room. I place my knife in the hole and put the ceiling board back in place.

I stand back and admire my clever work. "I'll be out of here in no time".

My admiration is interrupted by a woman sobbing and running down the corridor, I laugh to myself. They probably saw my work of art in the kitchen.


I was right

"You're a monster!"

"How could you!" Little Alisha sobs rattling my door.

"I don't know what you're talking about sweetheart" I fake pout


"Do you confess to murdering nurse Susan?" A guard growls tightening my cuffs. "Of course I didn't do it" I let out a deep chuckle, "you know you have to take punishment brooks this is murder" the guard raises an eyebrow, I thrash in two men's grip "I told you I didn't do it asshole!"

"AAGH" I let out a cry as I'm lashed with a cane across my back. "S-sto- ARGH" another lash breaking the skin on my back "do it again I like it rough" my dark side chuckles "you get it another 10 times brooks don't worry" the guard laughs whipping the cane stick onto my back once again.. And again.. And again.

I collapse to the floor choking for air, I feel the blood dripping down my back "you don't murder someone and get away with it brooks, no one is spared" the guard folds his arms

"What kind of asylum is this!? This is torture!" I groan in pain wiping the saliva from the corners of my mouth.
"This is punishment for murder Mr Brooks, the real torture is all these people's families who have suffered from losing a loved one, thanks to you".

"I took them out of there misery, i did them a favor" I scoff

"Get this psycho out of here" the guard waves his hand is disgust and the two men standing aside come back and pull me easily off the floor "dude watch the back!" I wince in pain as they shove me down the halls. Like always I get disapproving looks from the people standing around doing fuck all.


I've been suspended to access anywhere apart from my cell. Just great. "Luke.." a soft voice echoes through my cell "what do you want?" I scoff and sit on my bed pinching in pain as the material on my back rubs against my wounds. "I brought you breakfast" Alisha weakly smiles holding up a tray of food

"I'm not eating that shitty cafeteria food no way" I cringe.

"That's why I put it together myself, I thought you'd be hungry since you haven't eaten for awhile" Alisha shrugs
Atleast someone gives a shit right.

I walk over to the door "thankyou .." I nod as Alisha slides the tray through the pass hole in the cell door. Alisha weakly smiles and walks away. I smell the food neatly placed on the tray and I must admit.. It definitely looks decent.


I hope you all are enjoying this so far, comment what you think is good or need improvement! Feedback from you guys is always nice (:

Twitter - @dearestluke

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