Chapter 11

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Alisha POV

I lay in my bed after a hard days work and just stare right up at my ceiling, my fan is spinning at a fast rate blowing cool air on to my face. I start to wonder about how James is doing now he's out in the big world again, I wonder if he's safe and I wonder if he's happy?

My phone chimes on my dresser making my body jolt, I lazily reach over groaning and grab my phone from the table and read the notification

'He's coming -B'

I frown. "Stupid prankster teens" I scoff and throw my phone back in its place and make my way down stairs to be greeted by my brother lounged on the couch "what are you doing up so late missy?" Cody tuts, I let out a small chuckle "I could be asking you the same thing".

"There's dinner in the microwave if you want it" Cody calls, I nod my head and walk over to the microwave and take out the plate of spaghetti, I look at it and laugh "alphabet spaghetti, really?", "it was all I can cook without burning down the house sorry" Cody shrugs. I take a seat next to him, kicking my brothers feet off the couch and settle down to watch whatever's on tele, I go to take a scoop of my kiddy dinner and frown, letters jumble on their own. I blink and shake my head to be sure I'm not hallucinating but it's still jumbling, one letter after another

I keep watching
I realise what it's spelling and gasp

I drop my bowl accidentally out if shock making Cody gasp aswell "Alisha what the fuck!?" He flicks off parts of sauce and spaghetti off his clothes and body. He goes to the kitchen and damps a towel, "you're seriously so clumsy sometimes" he shakes his head and wipes the couch and floor "I'm sorry i just-" I spot a word jumbled on the floor


"Lish? You alright?" Cody asks as he wipes away the remaining food "I thought I- I just- I'm gonna go to bed" I shake my head and race upstairs

(1 New Message)

'I told you to run, he's coming, you should be scared, he killed me, he'll kill you too -B'

I rub my temples, this isn't real. I sit on the edge of my bed, I let my mind go blank. I can't stay here tonight, I walk to my wardrobe and gather a set of clothes and stuff them in a night bag, I jog downstairs and grab my keys off the bench. "Hey woah woah where are you going?" Cody runs to you and grabs you by the shoulders "uh something came up at work, an emergency" I rush, Cody smiles and nods. I still stand in my brothers grip "uh Cody I gotta go" I let out a chuckle referring to his hands on my shoulders, Cody stands in the same position, a cold and blank expression on his face "Cody?" I repeat a little louder. He finally makes some sort of movement and twist his neck making it crack, Cody's eyes darken and smirk creeps on his face "you can't hide baby he's coming" I scream and push myself back and run to my room, Cody running at my tail. I panic and pant as I shut my door and lock it, loud thuds coming from the door "come out come out, we won't hurt you" my brothers voice calls, I'm helpless, I'm scared, I do nothing but sit on my bed and cover myself in blankets waiting for what's about to come.

The banging stops after 5 minutes. I try control my breathing under my quilt but I just keep panting, my door creaks open and a body pounces at me, I thrash, scream and cry bloody murder before someone is hugging me tightly

"Sh sh sh it's alright lish, everything's okay, you're okay" my brothers normal tone returning, I do nothing but cry. What happened was not normal. My brother cradles me and stays silent as I cry. "You need to sleep" Cody instructs as he pulls the covers over you, you shake your head "I can't, I'm afraid" Cody frowns "of what love?". "I don't know what it is Cody" I reply.


(Create New Message)

"Im sorry if I woke u, but could u please come over asap?Xx - A"


"Alisha are you okay!?" Jai panics as I open the door, I nod and let him inside, locking the door with Cody's key "where's your key?" Jai laughs I shrug "I think I lost it at work, I really ought to get a new one" Jai goes into deep thought then evilly grins, "so what happened anyway babe?" Jai returns to reality, I take him upstairs to my room and explain everything that happened. Jai rubs my arm comfortingly, "I'm scared Jai, I don't want it to come back, whatever it was" I sniffle, Jai gives me a sympathetic look and sighs "maybe it wants to be known, maybe you should I don't know... Maybe try talk to it? Maybe it wants to protect you?" I shake my head "whatever it was certainly did not want to protect me! It was about to attack me!" I raise my voice "I understand" Jai nods slowly, "am I going crazy Jai?" I ask with a worried expression on my face, Jai gives out a small chuckle "certainly not! It'll all come together soon and you'll understand don't worry babe" I frown "how do you know that?" I quiz "because I used to live with the darkness too" Jai lowers his head, "I gotta go" Jai quickly replies after that and jogs downstairs leaving no time for me to reply. I sigh when I hear my front door slam shut and I fall back into my bed and shut my eyes.


I pull my coat closer to my body as I drag my feet down the stairs and out to my car, I turn the engine on, the heater roaring and warming me the slightest.

Once I arrive at the institution i swipe my card through the gate and I walk myself through the main entrance, "good morning Alisha! How are you feeling?" Justin greets me cheerfully "exhausted" I yawn "let me get you some coffee" Justin smiles as he sits me down in a chair and walks over to the expresso machine.

Luke POV

8:30am is breakfast time, everyone's in the cafeteria. The food tastes like plastic so I get permission from a nurse to use the men's facilities, I roam through the halls towards Alisha's office when I spy her and Guard Justin walking into the staff room. I peep by the door and watch as Justin hands her a coffee and rubs her arm, I clench my jaw tightly. I watch them chat for about 5 minutes, Alisha looks exhausted

I almost feel bad.

Both Alisha and Justin rise from their chairs and hug, that's my cue. I open the door and they snap apart and face towards me "Brooks what are you doing out!?" Justin snaps and thumps towards me grabbing me by my arm "I came to see Alisha" I grunt, "Miss Hamilton doesn't have time to see you right now" Justin remarks and drags me out the door and into my ward, he harshly pushes me into my cell making me stumble a little "you're freedom is gone Brooks, you don't get to do what you want here, we own you and you can't do anything about that" Justin chuckles, I flare my nostrils slightly. No one disrespects me. I charge from one side of my cell and lunge my fist into Justin's jaw, he groans and claps his hand over the hit part "you're fucked in the head Brooks, you fucking psychopath" Justin growls and locks my cell door and stomps out of the ward, his keys jingling throughout the ward. My freedom isn't over, it's just begun, tonight's the night.

Tonight I'll be free, just wait.

Just wait.



60votes & 25 comments for next chapter??????

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