Chapter Ten: Confessing That I Might Like Someone

Start from the beginning

"Oh, but darling you do." Nightmare says.

I groan and shake my head. Nightmare is an idiot. The pain in my arm flares and I groan again.

I stare feeling faint and another explosion is sent my way. I can't move because my limbs feel like jelly. So I take the impact of the mini explosion right in front of me.

I feel myself being knocked out and my vision goes black.


I open my eyes and the first thing I see is white.

Am I in heaven?

I sit up and look around.

Nope. Just a hospital room.

I remember the events that happen and I can't help the scream that escapes my lips at the horrible memory.

A bunch of people run in.

Including dad, Calvin, Jen, Selcouth Entity and Luminescent.

"I'm fine! I'm fine!" I say at the people trying to do crap. They stop and all take a few steps back.

"How are you feeling?" A nurse asks.

"Like shit." I groan. I look at my arm which has been bandaged up.

"You breathed a lot of smoke, and you hit your head quite hard. No concussion, but you might have migraines for a few weeks. Your arm will heel in time, no big movements with it for a while." A doctor explains.

I glance at the two supers and raised a brow.

"What are you two doing here?" I ask.

"Would you like to hear how we beat Nightmare up or not?" Luminescent asks with a smile.

"Did you kill him?" I ask.

"No, he escaped." Selcouth grimaces.

"Oh my gosh, we were all in the gym and we heard a boom. The principal kept talking shit and bitching at us and crap. Then we heard another boom and like screams and stuff so we went outside and there's smoke and you're there dodging these arrows! And then Luminescent and Selcouth Entity come in and they're like, you do not mess with our home girl and they battle Nightmare. And then Nightmare flies away and everyone starts crowding you! Everyone thought you were dead..." Jen trails off and sniffs.

"No. I just didn't run from the explosion he sent at me because I felt too crappy to move." I say.

"Lazy ass." Calvin snorts.

I glare at him.

"So why was Nightmare asking for your powers?" Jen asks as dad talks to a doctor.

"I don't have powers. I have no damn clue what he was talking about." I reply.

"Everyone out please. We need to talk to Shakira alone for a minute." A nurse says ushering everyone out.

A different nurse comes over and starts talking crap about stuff and how I should do this and that.

Then she hands me clothes that Jen had packed. Sweatpants and a tank top. I put them on and pull on my socks and runners before pulling on the hoodie she brought.

I walk out of the room and hug dad tightly.

"That was scary." I whisper.

"You're safe now." Dad says back.

Then I hug Calvin and Jen as well.

"We're going to go to the Tim Hortons here. Meet us there." Calvin says to me. Him, Jen and dad all walk off.

As soon as they're out of sight I whip around and throw my arms around the two supers.

At first they're surprised. Then they hug back.

"Thanks for saving my life." I say.

"For a third time." Luminescent chuckles.

"Shut up." I laugh.

"Hey, let's go get some Timmy's." Selcouth says. I smile and nod.

In instinct, I hold onto Luminescent. I realize then, I'm still scared.

"Nightmare isn't coming back is he?" I whisper.

"I don't know Shakira." Luminescent says. I clutch his arm harder.

"If he comes back, Luminescent and I will take him down." Selcouth promises.

We head to Tim Hortons. Jen sees us and waves a Timmy's bag in the air. I smile and rush over.

"What'd ya get me?" I ask opening the bag.

Two chocolate glazed doughnuts and a chocolate chip cookie. I start nibbling at a doughnut.

"You're the best Jen." I smile. "You know my favourite stuff at every store."

"I also got you this." Jen says holding up hot chocolate.

"Hell yes!" I all but scream.

Selcouth taps my shoulder so I turn around.

"We have to go." Selcouth explains.

I feel a frown on my face.

"Hey," Luminescent says, sliding a black gloved hand under my chin like he has before. "We'll see you again soon, okay?"

"Okay." I smile and wave goodbye.

"Let's go home... And Shay, I have to talk to you about something." Jen says.

"Okay. And yeah, let's go home." I say.

We go home and I instantly walk to my room and snuggle into bed. Jen comes in after me and shuts the door.

"Do you like Selcouth or Luminescent?" She asks seriously.

"I..." I start. Do I? Do I have feelings for them? Do I have feelings for one of them? Do I like dark mysterious Luminescent who also acts really kind? Or do I like bright mysterious Selcouth Entity who is sympathetic and fun?

"Answer after. But I think they like you." Jen says.

I snort. "Jen, I'm going to be single for life. No one likes me."

"If we were les I'd totally go after you." Jen says seriously.

I roll my eyes and feel a headache starting. I also feel sleep rolling in.

"I think I like one of them." I murmur before falling asleep.

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