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I sit and listen to Bryson's mixtape and as much as I want to hate it, I can't. Dude definitely has talent and  I can't not give him a chance just because he's in a relationship with my girl.

I would have never thought that she would show up in my life again, but she showed up at my front door tonight. She looked different than the last time I saw her. Her body was more curvy and her face looked more mature. She was more beautiful than ever and it made me feel like an idiot for even leaving her in the first place.

"What do you think, Abel?" Cash asks me. I lean back in my chair and take a puff off of my blunt.

"It's good bro. You got some serious talent and it's obvious you're working hard to get somewhere," I tell him. We all talk some more before Sam walks back in and I give my all to keep my composure. Seeing her walk around my house makes me feel angry and lustful at the same time. Angry at myself for letting her beautiful ass go, and lustful because her pussy is the best pussy I've ever had and I could be so close to getting it if I really tried. I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss it.

She sits down next to Bryson and he whispers something in her ear that makes her smile. Her smile makes me weak and anger courses through my veins. I should be making her smile, not him. LaMar soon walks in and I know his slick ass was talking to her even when I told him not to. I shoot him a look and he just rolls his eyes.

"So Bryson, give us the night to think about our decision and we will give you a call tomorrow letting you know," Cash says.

"Alright man, thank you for this opportunity," Bryson says while reaching out to shake his hand. He shakes all of our hands and Sam just stands behind.

"I'll walk you guys out," I tell them and we all walk to the door. I can feel the tension between me and Sam and I know she feels it too. We get to the front door and Bryson daps me up one more time.

"It was a pleasure meeting you. Thanks for having us over here," Bryson tells me.

"Of course man. It was nice to hear your product. We'll give you a call tomorrow," I tell him. We say our goodbyes and Sam stays silent the whole time, only giving me a light wave. I watch them walk to the car and shut the front door once they pull off. It feels as if a weight is lifted off of my shoulders and I breathe a sigh of relief.

I make my way back to the dining room and sit down with down with the rest of the crew and they're all staring at me like I have two heads.

"What?" I ask.

"What was wrong with you tonight? Something was off," Sal says. I sigh and rub my temples. I don't feel like explaining any of this shit.

"Nothing bro, I'm good. Just tired," I dismiss. Cash smacks his teeth and chuckles.

"You're always tired. What the fuck is really wrong with you?"

"He's just mad cause Bryson cuffed his girl," LaMar speaks up. I quickly stand up and smack him on the back of the head. Sal and Cash laugh and I slouch back on the chair.

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