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Today might have been one of the best days I have had in a while. Lunch with Sam was great and even though we didn't spend too much time talking about our personal lives, I still was able to learn a bit about her. She was funny and genuine. She was outgoing once she got out of her shell and that just made me like her more. Then when she invited me over to her house, I thought I was going to pass out. She likes me that much that she wants me to come over? Oh don't be silly Abel, it just for a stupid project.. or is it?

I walked out of the main doors and started to look for my mom's car. I finally spotted it and lightly jogged over there. I don't care how old I am, I am always excited to see my mom after a long day. I get in the car and throw my backpack into the backseat.

"Hi momma," I greet her with a kiss on the cheek.

"Hello sweetheart, how was your day today?" she asks as she starts to pull out of the parking lot.

"It was good, I had lunch with my new friend today. It was really nice," I say smiling to myself.

"So this new friend of yours, tell me about her. Is she pretty?" I felt my cheeks heat up and I looked out the window.

"Mom, I don't even know how to explain it. She's beautiful. She has the greenest eyes I have ever seen, and her personality makes her beauty shine even brighter," I explain. I look down at my hands, realizing I just said the corniest shit ever. "But we are just friends. I don't think she would ever be interested in me like that. Plus I don't want to scare her off."

"I understand. Just be the gentleman I know you are and treat her with respect and kindness and see what happens from there. Any girl would be a fool to pass up on a sweet boy like you," my mom assures me. I feel my cheeks warm up once again. I was such a momma's boy, it was pretty ridiculous. I mean my whole life it has practically been me and her against the world, so it only made sense that she would always be my best friend.

We finally arrive home and as soon as I walk into the door I head towards the kitchen. I pull some leftover pasta out of the fridge and warm it up in the microwave. As I wait for my food, I remember that Sam invited me to her house to work on the performance for choir.

"Hey mom," I yell. She comes in from the living room and opens the fridge to get some juice.

"Yes dear?"

"So in choir, we got assigned to do a performance in front of the whole class. Sam is my partner and we are going to sing together. She invited me to her house tonight to work on it with her and I was wondering if I could go?" I ask as I pull my pasta out of the microwave. She sighs and sits down at the table with me.

"I don't know Abel.. are her parents going to be home?" She asks me.

"I have no idea. Probably," I shrug my shoulders and take a bite of my food. I could live off of pasta for the rest of my life if I had to.

"Well since it is for a project you can go, but I want you back home no later than 10:30 Abel, and no funny business! If you plan on doing anything at least make sure you use protection," my mother scolds. I choke on my food and look at her with crazy eyes.

"Mom! Really?!"

"Yes, really Abel. You two are hormone filled teenagers who may possibly be alone in a house together. You must forget I was your age at one point in my life." I drop my fork and cover my ears.

"Okay mom! Let's just stop talking about this." All of this sex talk with my mother was making me lose my appetite. I was comfortable with sex, although I was still a virgin, but talking about it with my mom was just nasty. I pulled out my phone and sent a text to Sam saying I could come over tonight. I was excited to see her again.

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