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The sound of my alarm ringing makes my head pound. I slowly open my eyes and grab my phone turning the alarm off. I check my notifications and see Sam's call that I ignored and a voicemail left by her that I didn't see last night when I tired to call her back. I decide to listen to it before I get up and get ready, just so I have time to prepare for the worst. I put my phone up to my ear and listen to the voicemail.

"Abel, baby, it's Sam," I hear her voice cry. "I-I really n-need you right now. Some shit went down and I just need to hear your voice. Please call me back."

The guilt hits me like a truck and I feel like the shittiest person in the whole world. Sam really needed me and I was too busy getting high to be there for her. I need to quit doing these drugs, no matter how hard it is. This isn't who I am. I'm not some kind of drug addict.

I get out of bed and go to my sock drawer and pull out the pills and the coke and I go to my bathroom and flush it down the toilet. A part of me immediately regrets it, but it's for the best. I can't continue to hurt myself and Sam like this. I walk back to my bed and grab my phone, calling her back.

"Hello?" She answers. The sadness in her voice is evident, she's always cheery in the morning.

"Hey baby, I got your voicemail. What happened?"

"Why didn't you answer?" She asks, dodging my question.

"I fell asleep baby. I'm so sorry. Tell me what happened." I lie to her. I laid awake for hours last night.

"I'll tell you at lunch today. I don't want to talk about it right now." She says and then hangs up. Whatever happened, it must have been really bad. She never hangs up on me. I take a deep breath and start to get ready for school.


After what seemed like a thousand hours, it was time for lunch. Sam has been avoiding me all day and I wasn't used to that. I just wanted to give her all of my attention and she doesn't want to take it. I know I fucked up but her giving me the cold shoulder was killing me. As I approached Sam's locker, I saw that Logan was extremely close to her, and she was trying to push him off.

"Yo, what the fuck you doing?" I ask loudly. Logan looks up at me and steps away from Sam, eyeing me up and down.

"Nothing man. Just having a conversation with your girl. Nothing serious," he shrugs.

"Well it looks like she doesn't want to talk to you so back the fuck up," I spit. Anger rushes through me and all I want to do is punch this dude dead in his shit. I'm usually so non-confrontational but he was pushing my buttons.

"Don't tell me what to do nigga. Control your girl over here, she's the one who kissed me last night," he smirks. Before I know it, I swing my arm and punch him in his face. He hits me back hard in the jaw and I stumble back for a second, but I quickly come back with another punch to his nose.

"Abel!" I hear Sam scream. All I see is red and I can't stop hitting him. I continue to throw punches to his face and stomach, and it gets to the point where he can't fight back anymore. Students start to crowd around us, watching the fight unfold. Sam jumps in the middle and puts her hands on my chest.

"Abel stop!" she yells at me as my chest heaves up and down. "We need to go before a teacher comes. You're going to get suspended."

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