Chapter 1

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Petro slipped on his brown boots quickly before clipping his blaster to his belt. His lightsaber was in a pouch attached to his thigh, but he could almost never use it anymore. His bunk-mate, Cody, was cleaning his blaster methodically, smiling at Petro as the aforementioned Jedi Knight slipped out of the room.

Katooni had exited her room moments earlier, dressed in a deep purple tunic, grey leggings, and grey boots. She smiled upon seeing him, reaching out her arms to hug him.

"Can I kiss you, Kat?" He asked, and at her consent, he pressed a gentle kiss to her nose. The tholothian girl giggled a little before pulling away as she heard the footfalls that she knew belonged to her mentor.

"Anakin," she greeted, a little smile on her lips. Her mentor was the infamous Anakin Skywalker, Jedi Master. He typically wore a grey tunic, black trousers, and a pair of black boots. 

"Katooni. Ahsoka and I have decided to send you two on a mission," he looked between Petro and Katooni before jerking his head toward the door. "Ahsoka has the details. Let's go."

Petro's mentor, Ahsoka, was a togruta woman with beautiful orange skin and stark white face-markings. She wore a red and black tunic with a skirt and grey leggings, as well as grey boots.

The woman pressed a few buttons on the holo-table which was central to the room as the three force-users walked in. She smiled at them, ruffling Petro's hair as he crossed the space to stand next to her. He pushed her hand a way, a playful glare on his face as he flattened his hair again.

"Okay, Nights." Katooni and Petro had been dubbed the 'Nights' after they were technically ready to be knighted by Jedi standards. However, with the order disbanded, Anakin and Ahsoka had decided that they most certainly would not be knighting any new members. At least, they wouldn't be until they had the new Order set up.

"Ghost Crew, one of the more... effective cells on the radar, has gained a new member. He's roughly fifteen at this point, and very force-sensitive. As you know, Kanan Jarrus was in the Temple before the Order fell under Master Deppa Biliba. It seems to me that Jarrus has taken on a padawan, I believe his name is Ezra, but he has kind of neglected one thing. Ezra's presence is broadcasting so much that sometimes I can feel it without aid if I just try. 

"So, I'm sending you two to go and help with this little situation. Tell Jarrus of the problem, figure out what can be done to help. You'll need to help with their missions too while you're there, but report back soon. I don't want my crew down two for very long, and Anakin would become a moping bantha if you are gone too long. So go prepare. You leave in two hours."

Anakin remained in the room as the two Jedi left the room. He glared over at Ahsoka in offence.

"I do not get mopey when they leave!"

Ahsoka deadpanned at him, one eyebrow raised. "Uh huh, sure you do, Skyguy." She sent off the intel Petro and Katooni would need before turning off the table and spinning to face Anakin.

"You just love them. I can't fault you for that," Ahsoka murmured, gently caressing his face and pressing a kiss to his lips.

"They did," he closed his eyes, pressing his forehead to Ahsoka's own. Anakin reveled in the feeling of breathing the same air as his bondmate, close and completely bonded, finally.

"I know. And they were wrong." Ahsoka rubbed his cheek quickly before pulling away. The table beeped, an alert popping up.

7567 - In Seelos System.

7567 - How is C?

TA_Wlkr - Tired, missing R. 

TA_Wlkr - Sending K and P w/ GC to location. 

It was silent on the line for a moment, and Ahsoka looked to Anakin with a smile. "C" and "R" had been apart way too long. 

7567 - R misses C too. Also tired.

7567 - Location subject to change. Use idiot finder.

7567 signal error. Connection cut.

Ahsoka tapped a few buttons on the table, sending a message to both Petro and Katooni, updating their mission. They were to use the droid head that was stashed away in the ship, and find "R". Find Rex

Ahsoka turned off the table again, head jerking up as the sound of running feet entered the room. Cody had walked in, deep circles under his eyes. He was a little thinner than he had been, but he was still strong.

"Did you hear from him?"

His brown eyes were hopeful, so much so that Ahsoka felt her heart break a little. 

"He's in the Seelos System. I'm sending the Nights to go get him. With the Ghosts, of course."

Cody's eyes dropped in disappointment.

"I'm not going, am I?"

Ahsoka bit her lip. Anakin was being very unhelpful. Couldn't he deal with emotionally destroyed clones?

"Cody, we think it's best if you wait for him to get here. Your bond very well might overload when you see each other again, and we don't want you in an unsafe place when it happens. Much less with a bunch of unexperienced people." He sighed a little, resignation thick in the air. He looked up one last time, eyes pleading.

"Did he mention me at all?" His voice was so weak and vulnerable, so longing for something that seemed so out of reach. 

"Rex said he misses you, Cody. He wants his brother back."


Hello again!

It 'tis time again for a new story! And I am so excited! :)

Tell me what you all think! Let me know! :D

-Flaming Starbird

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