Close To Him//Gally

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Prompt: You want to help Thomas and Newt rescue Minho from WICKED, but Gally seems to try everything he can to stop you, and you can't help but feel that there's something else under the surface...

WARNING: Contains major spoilers for The Death Cure. You've been warned.

A/N: I decided to follow the structure of how these scenes went in the film, but obviously wrote in some differences – like completely different dialogue and conversation. I'm sorry if it's too much of an insert yourself into the movie, but this was what was requested, so I tried to make it as engaging as possible. I hope you all enjoy!

This one shot is also much longer compared to the others, just a heads up!

"Fine, we'll rescue Minho from WICKED." Gally eyes Thomas and Newt almost suspiciously, not trusting them entirely yet. Then they shift to yours, a look of sudden defiance and certainty in his eyes, "But there's no way in hell you're bringing her along."

You immediately roll your eyes, a sudden de ja vu crossing your memory, "There's noway in hell you can put conditions on this Gally, and there's no way in hell you can tell me where I can go and where I can't!" You frown, creating the most angry glare you can, but his piercing green eyes only glare back.

Gally crosses his arms over his chest, and huffs carelessly, "Then I'm not helping you rescue Minho."

Thomas shakes his head, and Newt only sighs. They glance at one another and realise they're both remembering back to the Glade, the arguing and constant fighting that went between you and Gally...

"Gally, we're not in the Maze anymore! You can't just put restrictions on me—

"Exactly!" Gally says, almost accidentally. You don't understand what he means by that, but you ignore his confusing reply and open your mouth to fire back, but Thomas shuts you up immediately with a stern look.

He relaxes his blue eyes and his voice turns to reasoning, "Look, Y/N, if this is what we have to do—

"Thomas!" You interject, almost dumbfounded that he would even consider agreeing with Gally's ridiculous request.

"Y/N." Thomas says impatiently, "We need Gally with us so we can help Minho." He turns to Gally, "She won't come with us."

Your jaw drops, "There's no way I'm staying behind—
But the boys simply ignore your arguing and shake on it before going to make arrangements with Gally's group leader. You fall into a chair and let out a quiet groan of frustration, "Fine. Leave me behind." You put your head into your hands as sudden memories of the Glade flood back. Gally was always like this with you, of course almost dying and reuniting in the Scorch wouldn't change that; he's always been stubborn in his ways. He just can't get along with you that badly, that you can't help both him and your friends?

You sigh, leaning now only on one hand. Some things just never change.


You watch them like a disappointed puppy as they prepare themselves to leave for the city. Gally, Newt and Thomas make sure their equipment and other things they have packed for the first, supposedly-quick trip are all working well. You watch as Thomas packs two backpacks, and you wonder who else is going with them, and cast a glare at Gally with every chance you can get.

Gally ignores your glares, something he managed to master within the Glade... in the first month of you being there. He slips his bag onto his back and ties his combat boot shoelaces up tightly, "So, who else is coming with us?" He says this somewhat suspiciously, staring at the extra backpack as if he was only prepared to go with Newt and Thomas.

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