Teasing and Kissing//Newt

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Prompt: Y/N loves to tease Newt, it's her favorite pass time. But one day, she goes in over her head and Newt fires back unexpectedly...

You catch Newt staring after Minho's butt as he runs into the Maze for the day. Maybe it was just a slip of the eye, a random stare where he was lost in thought; maybe not. But the number one thing that you love to do while your other friends are out running is to tease Newt. Since you and Newt hang out a lot during the daytime while the Runners are out, you've become extremely close. You used to think it was just because you had no one else to spend your time with but Newt is actually an amazing friend. You consider him your best friend.

"Newt." You say in a sing song voice and his head whips towards you, probably already knowing what you're about to do. "Nice view?"

His eyebrows furrow, "Sorry?"

"Minho's ass." You state and catch his eyes light up with worry. You skip over to him and dance around him singing: "Newt is hot for Minho, Newt is hot for Minho." In an annoying tune.

"I am not!" He declares, suddenly enraged. He crosses his arms over his chest and huffs, "It hasn't even been a minute since the Runners left and you're already pissing me off, can't you just leave me alone for once?"

You stop dancing and singing and stare over at the distressed looking Newt. "Oh come on, Newt! Isn't it about time you confessed?"

"I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about." He says in an embarrassed fluster, avoiding eye contact with you.

You jab your finger into his sides, you know that this especially pisses him off. He grabs at your hands but misses, like always. "Confess to liking boys."

He sighs, "Y/N, I do not like boys!"

"Oh come on." You say in an over-dramatic voice. "You get all cosy with Thomas by a bonfire. Stare at Minho's ass. There's definitely something there!" You lean against Newt with a long sigh as you await his response, purposely twiddling your thumbs.

"I'm not gay-

"I'd be surprised if you weren't! You're surrounded by a lot of guys..."

"Slim it." Newt growls and you finally see that he's probably had enough, but of course you're not going to stop. What else is there to do? Work as a Slicer like you're supposed to? You've had enough of blood ever since that incident with Winston... "Wait a second..." The tone in Newt's voice has changed, something has sparked within; you can tell from the way his eyes are lit up. "Are you... are you jealous?"

Newt's words hit you like a bus. You did not see this one coming. Newt never comes up with a good comeback when you tease him, what are you supposed to do now? Deny it? That's not witty enough for you. Maybe there's some way you can turn it against him... But at that moment, something suddenly occurs to you. Something so surprising that it almost takes your breath away. What if you are jealous?

"I..." Your eyes dart around nervously as you try to think of something to say that will back you up. "Look, you're obviously touché about this subject; do you want me to leave it?"

"Don't change the subject, Y/N." He warns, an eyebrow raises as he looks at you.

"Y-You changed it first!" You huff as you cross your arms over your chest. This is ridiculous, there's no way you'd be jealous. Newt is just... just Newt. "If you can prove to me, which there's literally no way possible, that you don't like boys... Then go ahead." You challenge, knowing that this sentence will definitely catch him off guard. Soon he'll be back where he belongs; by your feet. You knew from the start he'd never win this because he simply never does. What could possibly make him-

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