Awfully Messy//Gally

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Prompt: Everyone in The Glade decides to take a day off, and Y/N gets closer with Gally because of it. 

"C'mon shanks, it's time to get up." Newt calls into the run-down room where most of the builders and some of the cooks they've befriended (including yourself) sleep. Someone pulls the curtains revealing a sharp flash of sunlight into the cave-like room.

You groan and roll over in your bundle of blankets, accidentally kicking Gally in the face whilst moving. "Hey!" He calls out and blindly grabs at your feet.

You squeal as his hands are incredibly cold, "Gally!" You kick your feet around crazily until his icy fingers lose their grip and you slide your feet back into the warmth of your blanket-cocoon. "Are you cold-blooded or something?"

He yawns loudly, "Maybe hanging around you so often caused that."

You sit up from your bed and stare wildly down at Gally who looks mildly amused while smirking at his own joke. "You take that back, you shank!"

He chuckles before saying, "Make me."

You tackle him immediately and his eyes widen with surprise, obviously thinking you weren't actually going to try and make him. You try to your best ability to keep him pinned but of course he easily switches from bottom to top. "Seriously, Y/N? You're half my size."

You poke your tongue out at him, "Don't be an ass. You were the one to challenge me."

"Yes but you were obviously silly enough to take it." He argues, face only inches away from yours as he tries to intimidate you.

You roll your eyes and try to kick him off but his grip only tightens. "Gally, this is the one day we get off, if you don't let me go you're seriously going to regret it."

He rolls off your body, "Alright, alright; killjoy."

After you and the other Gladers finish breakfast you all circle around Alby and Newt as they ready themselves to make an announcement. You assume they're placing some rules about today, so you're not keen to listen in as much as others are.

"Alright shanks, today is going to be a nice, fun day to relax and let out all of this stress that's been building up on us." Alby starts, "by the help of my dear friend," he gestures to Newt, "We've come up with some activities that will happen throughout today."

A few groans break out through the crowd, "Now, now." Newt settles the Gladers before continuing, "You don't have to participate; this isn't school. We just thought that most of you would enjoy it, alright? Doing nothing all day isn't in everyone's fancy."

You speak up, "He's right."

Teresa agrees and then asks, "So what's up first?"

Newt grins, "The first challenge, or activity, is...well..." He looks to Alby, "We haven't really gotten a name for it but it'll be great." He pulls in Thomas and Minho, "These two shanks are the best Runners in the Glade, and we all know that. So, we've made them team captains."

Only a few of the Gladers turn the heads away in disinterest, you're certainly not one of them.

"I've already written out who's where so no arguing." Alby interrupts.

"Exactly. Anyway, each team will be playing against each other, obviously. Both teams have a camp, or a base. This base is where you hide your team coloured balls. Red and Blue. Minho is blue and Thomas is red. The aim of the game is to collect as many balls as you can from the opposite team to your own. Now, along the way there are water balloons, paint and mud; anything messy you can think of. You can use these things to your advantage to tackle the other team members down. If you catch them you must take them to your prison which, if you're smart, will hopefully be placed somewhere other than where your treasured balls are. You can free your team members from the opposite teams prison, if you reach it. There aren't any limits to how many you can capture at once and how many you can free at once."

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