You're Totally Whipped, There's No Denying It//Newt

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Prompt: Y/N is a troublemaker and a prankster. Newt tries to tell her to cut it out, but she flirts her way out. Alby notices this and claims Newt is whipped. 

You know you should be busy Building with Gally and the other Builders but sometimes you just can't be bothered, you know? More like it's bloody boring. And how many times can you make a shovel? When you're sitting around not doing much, your devious mind starts scheming awful stuff for the other Gladers. You're deep in thought when Gally walks by, gently smacking the back of your head.

"Better not be planning those damn pranks of yours. Go on and help me with this new picnic table." He says while walking towards a mound of wood and building supplies.

You rub the back of your head, "I thought we had plenty of picnic tables."

Gally sighs, "Not since that awful food fight, Sam and Jared tackled each other and broke one of the table's legs. It pretty much had it anyway so we decided to make a new one instead of repairing it."

You slump over to the table in a huff, "Alright, alright." You lazily pick up pieces of wood, occasionally handing them over to Gally when he needs them. You stand there, your arms growing tired by the second when you spot a group of boys heading this way. One of them at the front looks slightly vague; disoriented. Perfect victim for a prank.

You stand behind Gally and wait until they come closer. Once the boy at the front edges just close enough, you run over to him; dropping your plank behind you and then "accidentally" bump into him.

"Sorry!" You squeak and keep walking in the other direction with your head turned around to watch your little plan come to life.

As presumed, he stumbles over the plank of wood with his arms flailing and then crashes into Gally's half-built table, completely destroying it. "What the hell?" Gally says as he jumps back from the mess.

"I..." The Glader starts, even more disoriented than before. "I was just walking..."

And this is your queue to get the hell out of there, but as you do, you're yanked back by a rough hand. You turn to see an angry Gally, almost furious. "What the hell did you do?"

"Me?" You ask innocently. You point over at the Glader in the mess, "He's the one who did it!"

"Oh don't be slinthead, Y/N. I suppose this plank of wood found its way over here on its own then, huh?" He says while shoving the wood in front of your face. "You... One day, someone will get seriously hurt if you don't stop this nonsense."

You cross your arms over your chest, "What are you going to do about it? Tell on me?"

Gally eyes you off, as if he's actually considering being a tattle-tale. "That isn't such a bad idea. I think I'll go tell Alby about your idiotic behaviour." He walks passed you with a kind of seriousness in his eyes that makes you timid.

"I... Gally!" He's going to tell Alby? You can't let that happen considering Alby is the only shank around here that scares the living daylights out of you. "Gally, wait up!"

"Nothing you're going to say will stop me, Y/N. I've had enough of this." He continues to stomp his way over to the Homestead, "It's even keeping you away from doing the work you're supposed to do!"

"That's because being a Builder is the most boring thing in this damn place! Maybe if they let me be a Runner, then I'll actually contribute to this-

"Are you kidding me?" Gally stops dead in his tracks and turns to face you, "Are you trying to blackmail me? Blackmail Alby?" His voice is stern and definitely scary, "You don't get to be a Runner by being an asshole; you have to earn it. Didn't you listen to a thing Newt said to you when you were a Greenie?" He shakes his head and climbs the stairway, up to Alby's room. "I can't believe you, Y/N. Honestly. I thought you could do better." You hear the creak of a door opening and then a shuddering slam as it closes.

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